The mark consists of six different colored and partially translucent squares positioned in relation to each other to form a loose cube, with none of the sides touching, but with the colors overlapping. The bottom square is orange, the top square is teal. The two squares in the foreground are purple and red, the two squares in the back are blue and yellow. The color white appearing in the mark is background only, and not claimed as a feature of the mark.
The mark consists of six different colored and partially translucent squares positioned in relation to each other to form a loose cube, with none of the sides touching, but with the colors overlapping. The bottom square is orange, the top square is teal. The two squares in the foreground are purple and red, the two squares in the back are blue and yellow. The color white appearing in the mark is background only, and not claimed as a feature of the mark.
The mark consists of six different colored and partially translucent s...