87283834 29 Dec 2016 | on 03 Jul 2018 | Biochemicals, namely, polypeptides, superantigens, biomarkers and anti... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Pharmaceutical and biological preparations to treat immunological, inflammatory, oncological, viral, infectious, neurological, musculoskeletal, respiratory, and dermatological diseases, disorders and conditions; pharmaceutical and biological preparations based on polypeptides, superantigens, biomarkers and antibodies to treat immunological, inflammatory, oncological, viral, infectious, neurological, musculoskeletal, respiratory, and dermatological diseases, disorders and conditions; Pharmaceutical and biological preparations and immunotherapies being medical preparations for stimulating the immune response, all for use in the diagnosis, prevention, management and treatment of immunological, inflammatory, oncological, viral, infectious, neurological, musculoskeletal, respiratory, and dermatological diseases, disorders and conditions; therapeutic and diagnostic agents, preparations and substances for medical purpose for use in therapies for immunological, inflammatory, oncological, viral, infectious, neurological, musculoskeletal, respiratory, and dermatological diseases, disorders and conditions; biochemical substance, polypeptides, antibodies, biomarkers and superantigens for use in diagnoses and therapies for immunological, inflammatory, oncological, viral, infectious, neurological, musculoskeletal, respiratory, and dermatological diseases, disorders and conditions; engineered cell therapies, namely engineered T cells, immune cells, and antibodies for medical purposes; diagnostic biomarker reagents for medical purposes; diagnostic test kits consisting primarily of biomarkers for medical purposes; biochemical test kits comprised of assays and reagents for medical, diagnostic and therapeutic purposes Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Biochemicals, namely, polypeptides, superantigens, biomarkers and antibodies for medical and scientific research; cells, cell extracts and components of cells for medical and scientific research; diagnostic agents for medical and scientific research; diagnostic biomarker reagent for biomarker reagents for medical and scientific research; diagnostic test kits consisting primarily of biomarkers for medical and scientific research; biochemical test kits consisting of assays and reagents for medical and scientific research purposes | |