79258063 02 Apr 2019 | on 13 Oct 2020
| Chemical dyestuff additives in the nature of polymer emulsions, auxili... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Chemical dyestuff additives in the nature of polymer emulsions, auxiliary chemicals, silicone emulsions, pigment dispersions, antifoams and adhesives for uses in coating, construction, textile, adhesive applications for the manufacture of commercial, industrial and domestic goods; chemicals for textile and leather industries, which are used from pretreatment to finishing processes, that can improve the quality of applications such as wetting agents, sequestering agents, stabilizers, oil degreasing agents, defoamers, dispersing agents, surfactants, the chemical compounds, which affects the surface tension usually reduces when dissolved in water or an aqueous solutions; fabric protectants for commercial dry cleaning use; textile-brightening chemicals Class 002 The English translation of "ORGANIK KIMYA" in the mark is "ORGANIC CHEMISTRY". | | | ORGAL Organik Holding Anonim Sirketi
79068736 23 Mar 2009 | on 19 Mar 2020
| Acrylic polymer and copolymer emulsion adhesives used in industry, nam... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products The wording ORGAL has no meaning in a foreign language. | | | ORGAWHITE Organik Holding Anonim Sirketi
85221124 19 Jan 2011 | on 12 Apr 2019 | Organic acrylic polymer and copolymer emulsion opacifier used in indus... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products ORGA WHITE | | | ORGAL Organik Holding Anonim Sirketi
79012000 12 May 2005 | on 12 Jul 2006 | Acrylic polymer and copolymer emulsion adhesives used in industry,Acry... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Acrylic polymer and copolymer emulsion adhesives used in industry | |