The color(s) The word "MASTER" is colored in vibrant green. The word "CLEAN" is colored in a metallic silver gradient. The large stylized "M" is green with a black outline. The crown on the top left of the "M" is green. The sparkle effect on the upper right corner of the "R" in "MASTER" is white.The entire mark is outlined in black. is/are claimed as a feature of the mark.
The color(s) The word "MASTER" is colored in vibrant green. The word "CLEAN" is colored in a metallic silver gradient. The large stylized "M" is green with a black outline. The crown on the top left of the "M" is green. The sparkle effect on the upper right corner of the "R" in "MASTER" is white.The entire mark is outlined in black. is/are claimed as a feature of the mark.
The color(s) The word "MASTER" is colored in vibrant green. The word "...