The mark consists of The trademark consists of an stylized letter "N" icon positioned on the left and colored in different grades of blue ranging from #0000ED to #0071F1. At the right of the icon are the letters "nube" in black on top of the letters "max" in bold black. with the left lower line of the letter "x" in blue #0000ED. The icon and letters may have color variations on only black or only white..
The mark consists of The trademark consists of an stylized letter "N" icon positioned on the left and colored in different grades of blue ranging from #0000ED to #0071F1. At the right of the icon are the letters "nube" in black on top of the letters "max" in bold black. with the left lower line of the letter "x" in blue #0000ED. The icon and letters may have color variations on only black or only white..