| MULTICELL TECHNOLOGIES Multicell Technologies, Inc.
78383630 12 Mar 2004 | on 05 Dec 2014 | Biological reagents for diagnosis or treatment of diseases or conditio... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Biological reagents for diagnosis or treatment of diseases or conditions in humans and animals; biological cell cultures for diagnostic or treatment of diseases or conditions of humans and animals; cell culture reagents for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases or conditions in humans and animals; clinical medical reagents for use in pharmaceutical development and medical uses Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Chemical reagents for non-medical purposes; biological reagents for scientific, industrial and laboratory use in the chemical, pharmaceutical and biotechnology fields; biological cell cultures for scientific, industrial, and laboratory use in the chemical, pharmaceutical, and biotechnology fields; cell culture reagents for scientific, industrial, and laboratory use in the chemical, pharmaceutical, and biotechnology fields; biologic, namely, biological reagents for scientific and laboratory use; diagnostic preparations for scientific research use; biological reagents for scientific, industrial and laboratory research use in the chemical, pharmaceutical and biotechnology fields; biological cell cultures for research in the chemical, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and diagnostic fields; cell culture reagents for research use in the chemical, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and diagnostic fields; diagnostic biologics, namely, biological reagents for medical diagnostic and laboratory research use; pharmaceutical preparations for pharmaceutical research and development for diagnosis, characterization and treatment of hepatocytes, hepatocyte fraction, hepatocyte dysfunction, hepatotoxicity and hepatocyte differentiation | | | MCT Multicell Technologies, Inc.
78383605 12 Mar 2004 | on 03 May 2013 | Biological medical preparations for medical purposes; Pharmaceutical p... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Biological medical preparations for medical purposes; Pharmaceutical preparations for pharmaceutical research and development for the diagnosis, characterization and treatment of hepatocytes, hepatocyte function, hepatocyte dysfunction, hepatotoxicity and hepatocyte differentiation; full line of clinical medical reagents for use in pharmaceutical research and development and medical uses; diagnostic biologics, namely, biological reagents for medical diagnostic, scientific, laboratory research and use Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products MULTI CELL TECHNOLOGIES Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Diagnostic preparations for scientific research or use; chemical reagents for non-medical purposes; biological reagents for diagnostic, scientific, industrial and laboratory research use in the chemical, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and diagnostic fields; biological cell cultures for diagnostic, scientific, industrial, laboratory and research use in the chemical, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and diagnostic fields; cell culture reagents for diagnostic, scientific, industrial, laboratory and research use in the chemical, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and diagnostic fields; diagnostic chemicals for scientific, industrial, laboratory and research use in the chemical, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and diagnostic fields | | | MFE Multicell Technologies, Inc.
78383580 12 Mar 2004 | on 19 Apr 2013 | Cell culture growth media for hepatocyte cells, hepatocyte precursor c... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Cell culture growth media for hepatocyte cells, hepatocyte precursor cells and hepatocyte derived cells; chemically defined media supplements for the growth of bacterial, viral, or animal cells in culture; tissue culture media and sera for pharmaceutical research and development, namely, reagents for clinical medical use; and test kits for medical use, namely, test kits for the detection of hepatocyte function, normal hepatocyte function, reduced hepatocyte function, increased hepatocyte function, altered hepatocyte function and hepatocyte dysfunction Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Chemical preparations for medical research use; cell media for use in the production of pharmaceuticals, vaccines, monoclonal antibodies, recombinant proteins and/or other cellular components; sera alternatives, namely, biochemical/protein mixtures to replace or eliminate the need for sera products in cell culture applications; sera products, namely, biologicals derived from bacteria, viruses and animals, used as diluents, or as supplements in cell culture applications; chemical and biological reagents for scientific or medical research use; chemical preparations for scientific use; scientific or research chemicals; namely, reagents and assays for the detection of hepatocyte function, normal hepatocyte function, reduced hepatocyte function, increased hepatocyte function, altered hepatocyte function and hepatocyte dysfunction | | | MULTICELL THERAPEUTICS Multicell Technologies, Inc.
78762868 29 Nov 2005 | on 06 Feb 2008 | Biological, medical, pharmaceutical, therapeutic and clinical preparat... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Biological, medical, pharmaceutical, therapeutic and clinical preparations for use in the identification and treatment of various diseases, namely metabolic, autoimmune and infectious diseases Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Chemical, biological and pharmaceutical reagents for diagnostic, scientific, industrial, laboratory and research use in the chemical, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and diagnostic fields Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Pharmaceutical, laboratory, diagnostic, chemical, clinical and biological research services | | | BIOFACTORIES MultiCell Technologies, Inc.
78456628 26 Jul 2004 | on 10 Sep 2007 | Chemical, biological and mechanical processing and transformation of c... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Chemical, biological and mechanical processing and transformation of cells, namely such processing and transformation which results in cells producing native, recombinant and therapeutic proteins Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Full line of medical, diagnostic and pharmaceutical preparations for clinical and medical uses, namely preparation, isolation and administration of various native and recombinant proteins Class 040 Treatment & Processing of Materials Services Chemical reagents, biological reagents, cell lines, cell cultures, cell culture reagents, diagnostic chemicals, diagnostic biologics, recombinant and native proteins for diagnostic, scientific, industrial, laboratory and research use in the chemical, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and diagnostic fields | | | MULTICELL IMMUNOTHERAPEUTICS Multicell Technologies, Inc.
78712696 14 Sep 2005 | on 28 Jun 2007 | Chemical, biological and pharmaceutical reagents for diagnostic, scien... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Biological, medical, pharmaceutical, therapeutic and clinical preparations for use in the identification and treatment of various diseases, namely metabolic, autoimmune, cell-related and infectious diseases Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Chemical, biological and pharmaceutical reagents for diagnostic, scientific, industrial, laboratory and research use in the chemical, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and diagnostic fields Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Chemical, biological and pharmaceutical reagents for diagnostic, scientific, industrial, laboratory and research use in the chemical, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and diagnostic fields | |