The mark consists of an animated image of a cow with horns in the center of two concentric circles, with a portion of the horns overlapping into the outermost concentric circle. The words "UDDERLY RIDICULOUS" appears in the upper portion of the outermost concentric circle and the word "PRODUCTIONS" appears within the bottom portion of the outermost concentric circle. The cow's horns partially obscures the wording "UDDERLY RIDICULOUS".
The mark consists of an animated image of a cow with horns in the center of two concentric circles, with a portion of the horns overlapping into the outermost concentric circle. The words "UDDERLY RIDICULOUS" appears in the upper portion of the outermost concentric circle and the word "PRODUCTIONS" appears within the bottom portion of the outermost concentric circle. The cow's horns partially obscures the wording "UDDERLY RIDICULOUS".
"PRODUCTIONS",The mark consists of an animated image of a cow with hor...