The mark consists of a stylized blue oval design with a background appearing as blue waters with horizontal blue lines across the top of the oval and another at the bottom. Inside the oval is a yellow, orange, and red circle with three curved blue lines across, below which is the stylized white wording "LAKE LIFE MATTERS" above the smaller stylized white wording "#LAKELIFEMATTERS" and "LAKELIFEMATTERS.NET".
The mark consists of a stylized blue oval design with a background appearing as blue waters with horizontal blue lines across the top of the oval and another at the bottom. Inside the oval is a yellow, orange, and red circle with three curved blue lines across, below which is the stylized white wording "LAKE LIFE MATTERS" above the smaller stylized white wording "#LAKELIFEMATTERS" and "LAKELIFEMATTERS.NET".
The mark consists of a stylized blue oval design with a background app...