The color green appears in the background of the design, and a rectangle in the design. The colors blue, pink, red, green, white, purple and black appear in the design of the woman. The colors pink, blue, green, red, and white, appear in the wording. The colors pink, white and blue appear in the rectangle within the design. The needle design is in black and the color red appears in the thread in the design.
The color green appears in the background of the design, and a rectangle in the design. The colors blue, pink, red, green, white, purple and black appear in the design of the woman. The colors pink, blue, green, red, and white, appear in the wording. The colors pink, white and blue appear in the rectangle within the design. The needle design is in black and the color red appears in the thread in the design.
The color green appears in the background of the design, and a rectang...