78308168 01 Oct 2003 | on 31 Jul 2015 | Seed for corn and soybeans for agricultural purposes,Seed for corn and... Class A Class A Goods conforming to certification standard(s) The level of presence, or absence, of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO's) that are approved and currently marketed in the United States. | | | TRUETRAIT PLUS ILLINOIS CROP IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION
78308223 01 Oct 2003 | on 12 May 2014 | Seed for corn and soybeans for agricultural purposes,Seed for corn and... Class A Class A Goods conforming to certification standard(s) The level of presence, or absence, of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO's) that are approved and currently marketed in the United States, reserved for seed lots that meet official state and federal certification requirements. | |