87223479 02 Nov 2016 | on 26 Feb 2019
| Sugar, palm oil, honey, rice, soybeans, beans, peanuts, jam, chocolate... Class A Class A Goods conforming to certification standard(s) The mark consists of the literal elements, "FAIR TRADE IBD", in white and the graphic element of five lines depicting a hand appearing in white within a green round-cornered rectangle. | | | IBD FAIR TRADE ECOSOCIAL ALL FAIR IBD CERTIFIÇÕES LTDA
86703295 23 Jul 2015 | on 21 Aug 2017 | Sugar, palm oil, honey, rice, soybeans, beans, peanuts, jam, chocolate... Class A Class A Goods conforming to certification standard(s) The mark consists of The literal elements, "IBD FAIR TRADE ECOSOCIAL ALL FAIR" and the graphic element of five lines depicting a hand appear in white within a green round-cornered rectangle. | | | IBD ECOSOCIAL ALL FAIR IBD CERTIFIÇÕES LTDA
86267178 30 Apr 2014 | on 24 Jul 2017 | Sugar, palm oil, honey, rice, soybeans, beans, peanuts, jam, chocolate... Class A Class A Goods conforming to certification standard(s) The certification mark, as used or intended to be used by persons authorized by the certifier, certifies or is intended to certify that the goods are produced and traded in accordance with specific standards regarding fair labor practices and fair trade. | | | IBD ECOSOCIAL SUSTAIN IBD CERTIFIÇÕES LTDA
86267074 30 Apr 2014 | on 27 Jul 2015 | Sugar, palm oil, honey, rice, soybeans, beans, peanuts, jam, chocolate... Class A Class A Goods conforming to certification standard(s) IBD ECO SOCIAL SUSTAIN | |