| FP PIGMENTS FP-Pigments Oy
79113528 07 May 2012 | on 29 Sep 2023
| Chemicals and chemical preparations for use in the manufacture of pigm... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Chemicals and chemical preparations for use in the manufacture of pigments; chemicals and chemical preparations for use in the manufacture of paints, coatings, paper, carton board, plastics and printing inks | | | FP PIGMENTS FP-Pigments Oy
77921035 27 Jan 2010 | on 22 Mar 2022
| Pigments for use in the manufacture of paints, coatings, paper, carton... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Pigments for use in the manufacture of paints, coatings, paper, carton board, plastics and printing inks, all sold exclusively in trade channels for the paints, coatings, paper, carton board, plastics and printing ink manufacturing industries Class 002 Chemicals and chemical preparations for use in the manufacture of pigments, paints, coatings, paper, carton board, plastics and printing inks, all sold exclusively in trade channels for the paints, coatings, paper, carton board, plastics and printing inks manufacturing industries | |