74227368 05 Dec 1991 | on 11 Oct 1999 | chemical preparations; namely, an organic waste bio-digestant used to ... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products chemical preparations; namely, an organic waste bio-digestant used to degrade greases, fats, oil, proteins, and carbohydrates | | | ECOSYS ECOSYS, Inc.
74227400 05 Dec 1991 | on 05 Apr 1999 | line of environmental bio-complex, microbial-based preparations, used ... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products ECP-SYS | | | GREASEBEAST ECOSYS, INC.
74227366 05 Dec 1991 | on 30 Mar 1999 | chemical preparations; namely, a bacterial grease trap additive used t... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products GREASE BEAST | | | OIL-EX ECOSYS, INC.
74227442 05 Dec 1991 | on 30 Mar 1999 | chemical preparations; namely, a bio-complex used to degrade long and ... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products chemical preparations; namely, a bio-complex used to degrade long and short chain hydrocarbons, crude oil, and refined petroleum products | | | SEPTI-CURE ECOSYS, INC.
74227441 05 Dec 1991 | on 30 Mar 1999 | chemical preparations; namely, a septic tank cleaner consisting of a b... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products chemical preparations; namely, a septic tank cleaner consisting of a bacterial bio-complex, enzymes and surfactants on a bran base | | | BIO-MITE ECOSYS, INC.
74391310 17 May 1993 | on 19 Dec 1995 | organic water bio-digestant used to degrade greases, fats, oils, prote... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products organic water bio-digestant used to degrade greases, fats, oils, proteins, and carbohydrates for commercial use | | | DRAIN-EX ECOSYS, INC.
74391269 17 May 1993 | on 02 Jun 1994 | organic waste bio-disgestant used to degrade greases, fats, oils, prot... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products organic waste bio-disgestant used to degrade greases, fats, oils, proteins and carbohydrates in drain lines | | | BIO-BOOSTER ECOSYS, Inc.
74227351 05 Dec 1991 | on 28 Oct 1992 | complex of naturally occurring organic materials used to stimulate gro... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products complex of naturally occurring organic materials used to stimulate growth and activity of microorganisms, neutralize salts and provide nutrients to plants | |