86243727 06 Apr 2014 | on 20 Aug 2021 | Semi-finished woven and non-woven composites composed of textiles, pol... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products ECO STRATE Class 024 Polymer base compositions used in the manufacture of commercial, industrial and domestic goods; Polymer compositions used in the manufacture of commercial and industrial goods | | | CERTIFICATE OF RECYCLABILITY AND REUSE EcoStrateSFS Inc.
86390121 09 Sep 2014 | on 04 Aug 2015 | Plastic goods and scrap recovered from products as made for, or genera... Class A Class A Goods conforming to certification standard(s) Plastic goods and scrap recovered from products as made for, or generated by electronics, appliances, packaging, auto scrap or consumer product goods. Fiber materials mostly polymers used to create textiles, loose fibers or fibers contained as part of a product matrix as found in carpet, carpet tiles, non woven materials or woven materials from consumer product goods and other markets. Fibers recovered from protective clothing or other protective devices at their typical end of life | |