75427127 02 Feb 1998 | on 18 Sep 2019
| chemical preparations for use in coating in the metal finishing, adhes... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products chemical preparations for use in coating in the metal finishing, adhesive bonding and metal coating industries; chemical preparations for use in sealing in the metal finishing, adhesive bonding and metal coating industries; chemicals preparations for use in the treatment of metals in the metal finishing, adhesive bonding and metal coating industries; chemicals preparations for use in preventing corrosion in the metal finishing, adhesive bonding and metal coating industries; chemical preparations for industrial use in the formation of coatings on metals in the metal finishing, adhesive bonding and metal coating industries; chemical preparations for use in coating metals in the metal finishing, adhesive bonding and metal coating industries; chemical preparations for use in preparing metals for painting in the metal finishing, adhesive bonding and metal coating industries | | | FERROMOR CHEMETALL PLC
74246632 18 Feb 1992 | on 15 Nov 2024 | chemical products for use in tracing cracks, fissures, defects, and st... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products chemical products for use in tracing cracks, fissures, defects, and stains in and on surfaces; namely, penetrants, dyes, developers, solvents, and penetrant removers, all of which may be in the form of gases, sprays, aerosol sprays, suspensions, emulsions, powders or solids | | | ARDROX CHEMETALL PLC
74286841 22 Jun 1992 | on 19 Feb 2016 | [all purpose disinfectants (other than for laying or absorbing dust); ... Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products [all purpose disinfectants (other than for laying or absorbing dust); sanitary substances and preparations for toilet recirculatory systems and static toilets; germicidal cleaner for use in dishwashing and general surface cleaning; deodorants (not for personal use) and] odor control substances for the prevention of unpleasant odors in toilets and confined areas; air fresheners; [biocides; and bacteriostats] | |