90379515 14 Dec 2020 | on 09 Aug 2022
| Clothing; food and beverages; consumer electronics; cosmetics; kitchen... Class A Class A Goods conforming to certification standard(s) The mark consists of a generally rectangular banner superimposed over the bottom of a circular design formed by five concentric circles. The word "CERTIFIED" is in the inner perimeter of the top of the circle and the stylized wording "CARBONFREE" is in the interior of the banner. Below the design is the stylized wording "CARBONFUND.ORG" with a flattened triangular-shaped dash mark on either side. | | | CERTIFIED CARBONFUND.ORG A CARBON NEUTRAL PRODUCT Carbonfund.org Foundation, Inc.
77927394 03 Feb 2010 | on 27 Nov 2020 | Wide range of consumer products, namely, electrical products,Wide rang... Class A Class A Goods conforming to certification standard(s) CERTIFIED CARBON FUND A CARBON NEUTRAL PRODUCT | | | CERTIFIED CARBONFREE CARBONFUND.ORG Carbonfund.org Foundation, Inc.
77927391 03 Feb 2010 | on 26 Oct 2018 | Wide range of consumer products, food and clothing, namely, mattress c... Class A Class A Goods conforming to certification standard(s) The mark consists of a blue arc with the word "Certified" in white lettering above a yellow semi-circle outlined in blue trim, all of which is placed above a quasi-rectangular green banner with the words "Carbon Free" in white lettering. Beneath the quasi- rectangular green banner is the term "Carbonfund.org" in blue lettering with a blue triangle on either side of the term | |