| CARBOGRAF Carbone-Lorraine North America Corporation
74675297 17 May 1995 | on 24 Apr 2020 | pyrolytic graphite and vitreous carbon for use in manufacturing and pr... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products pyrolytic graphite and vitreous carbon for use in manufacturing and processing of semiconductor materials and integrated circuits for use in crystal growing, heating, masking, coating, implanting, etching, sputtering, sealing, and other processing of semiconductors and electronic components | | | CARBONIX Carbone-Lorraine North America Corporation
74675296 17 May 1995 | on 24 Apr 2020 | purified graphite for use in the manufacture and processing of semicon... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products purified graphite for use in the manufacture and processing of semiconductor materials and electronic components for integrated circuits in crystal growing, heating, masking, coating, implanting, etching, sputtering, sealing, and other processing of semiconductors and electronic components | | | CARBOSIL Carbone-Lorraine North America Corporation
74675295 17 May 1995 | on 13 Jul 1998 | silicon carbide for use in the manufacture and processing of semicondu... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products silicon carbide for use in the manufacture and processing of semiconductor materials and electronic components for integrated circuits in crystal growing, heating, masking, coating, implanting, etching, sputtering, sealing, and other processing of semiconductors and electronic components | |