Ameyalli Massiel Amador Gomez
Practice statement
Ameyalli Amador is a Mexico based Attorney in 2022 she graduated from an International LLM specialized in Intellectual Property and Technology Law at IE Law School. Ameyalli enjoys and desires to deepen her understanding of legal principles helping businesses navigate the nuances of IP ownership. Ameyalli's pursuit of a career in intellectual property law began in Mexico City, where she worked in the LawTech industry at a company named TRATO which allowed her to design and increase communication with customers through various means. While at IE University Ameyalli participated in projects to assist startups in the creation of their intellectual property protection plans, generating personalized IP protection strategies. Additionally, as part of her master's degree at UNAM, she did a research stay at TalTech University developing more specific knowledge associated with intellectual property and technology.
Practice area
Intellectual Property LawTech Law
Licensed State(s)
Client Relations Attorney
English, Spanish
IE University
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