87668094 01 Nov 2017 | on 14 May 2019
| Nucleic acid sequences and chemical reagents for other than medical an... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products The mark was first used anywhere in a different form other than that sought to be registered at least as early as 01/03/2000 | | | MCLAB MCLAB
77253879 13 Aug 2007 | on 10 Oct 2017 | Nucleic acid sequences and chemical reagents for other than medical an... Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Nucleic acid sequences and chemical reagents for other than medical and veterinary purposes; Reagent kits comprising generic DNA circle, DNA primers, polymerase and buffers for use in biotechnology fields; Test particles for biodetection systems, biological analogues and microscopic carrier beads with chemically attached DNA fragments for use in testing the operation of equipment used for analyzing air for the presence of harmful biological substances | |