75249861 03 Mar 1997 | on 26 May 1998 | medical instruments, namely, an electric acupuncture device for therap... Class 010 Class 010 Medical Instrument Products medical instruments, namely, an electric acupuncture device for therapeutic veterinary use; a device that generates a pulsating electromagnetic field for theraputic veterinary use; and devices for diagnosis and the collection of biomedical data for veterinary use | | | INTEGRA HEALTH INTERNATIONAL INTEGRA HEALTH INTERNATIONAL
75077505 25 Mar 1996 | on 20 Jul 1997 | homeopathic preparations for the treatment of; respiratory conditions;... Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products homeopathic preparations for the treatment of; respiratory conditions; stress, fatigue and emotional conditions; skeletal and connective tissue conditions; digestive and intestinal conditions; neurological conditions; blood and circulatory conditions; skin conditions; infectious diseases; eye conditions; allergic conditions; urological conditions; female conditions; dental conditions; organ therapy; balancing the immune system and hormone production; viral infections; bacterial infections; inflammation; chronic disorders; degenerative disorders; environmental pollution and detoxification conditions; pain, headache, migraine and neuralgia; energy booster, insomnia; smoking withdrawal; caffeine withdrawal; weight loss; bedwetting; motion sickness; and oral and genital washes; all for human use homeopathic preparations for the treatment of respiratory conditions; skeletal and connective tissue conditions; digestive and intestinal conditions; neurological conditions; blood and circulatory conditions; allergic conditions; degenerative disorders; skin conditions; eye conditions; urological conditions; organ therapy; viral infections; bacterial infections; inflammation; environmental pollution and detoxification conditions; pain and neuralgia; weight control; insect bites; all for animal use Class 010 Class 010 Medical Instrument Products medical instruments, namely, an electric acupuncture device for therapeutic human and veterinary use; a device that generates a pulsating electromagnetic field for therapeutic human and veterinary use; and devices for diagnosis and the collection of biomedical data for human and veterinary use | |