| CALIFORNIA CERTIFIED ORGANIC FARMERS California Certified Organic Farmers Inc.
97008056 02 Sep 2021 | on 11 Mar 2023 | Organic agricultural food products Class A Class A Goods conforming to certification standard(s) The certification mark, as used or intended to be used by persons authorized by the certifier, certifies that the goods and/or services provided were organically grown, processed and produced in accordance with the National Organic Program, 7 CFR 205 and that the grower, processor or producer practices a program of long term ecological soil management and in the case of meat and poultry, practices a program of stress reduction and good nutrition to maximize animal health. | | | CALIFORNIA CERTIFIED ORGANIC FARMERS CCOF CALIFORNIA CERTIFIED ORGANIC FARMERS
73806764 15 Jun 1989 | on 27 Sep 2021 | RAW AGRICULTURAL FOOD PRODUCTS, MEAT AND POULTRY,RAW AGRICULTURAL FOOD... Class A Class A Goods conforming to certification standard(s) FIRST USED IN ANOTHER FORM IN 1974 | |