| ioWild Type Cells Bit Bio Limited
UK00004073012 | | Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Living cells for research purposes; Living cells for scientific purposes; Living cells other than for medical or veterinary purposes; Biological tissue for research and scientific purposes; Biological tissue cultures other than for medical or veterinary purposes; Cultures of cell media [other than for medical or veterinary use]; Chemical reagents for use in biotechnology, other than for medical or veterinary use; Nutritive agents for processing living cells [other than for medical use]; Proteins for use in recombinant DNA technology [other than for medical use]. Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Cell therapeutics; Genetically or otherwise modified cells; Cells which are propagated, cultivated and expanded in bioreactors; Cells for the purpose of tissue regeneration; Living cells for medical use; Cells for medical use; Cells for veterinary purposes; Biological preparations for medical use; Diagnostic preparations for medical and/or veterinary purposes; Cell preparations for drug screening; Cell preparations for genetic testing, screening; Stem cells for medical purposes; Stem cells for veterinary purposes; Cell growth media, tissue culture media, cytokines, antibodies, and reagents for medical, medical research or diagnostic use; Tissue culture media, growth factors, growth media, serum, and nutritional supplements for in vitro culturing, development, maintenance, expansion, assay or manipulation of cells; Cell separation reagents, magnetic cell separation equipment. | | | ioWild Type Cells Bit Bio Limited
UK00004057471 | | Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Living cells for research purposes excluding CAR T cells; Living cells for scientific purposes excluding CAR T cells; Living cells other than for medical or veterinary purposes excluding CAR T cells; Stem cells for research purposes; Stem cells for scientific purposes; Stem cells other than for medical or veterinary purposes; Skeletal myocytes for research purposes; Cortical neurons for research purposes; Semi-processed natural proteins for manufacturing food; Proteins for use in the manufacture of food products. Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Diagnostic preparations for medical and/or veterinary purposes excluding CAR T cells; Cell preparations for drug screening excluding CAR T cells; Cell preparations for genetic testing, screening excluding CAR T cells; Dietary supplements; Protein supplements; nutrition supplements. | |