UK00903890324 | | Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Pharmaceutical products for human and veterinary use and biotechnological products for human and veterinary use related to medical use, such as: products, substances and solutions or media for the collection, preservation, storage, treatment, nutrition, culture, freezing, thawing, washing, reinjection, transformation, transplantation of biological cells, organs and tissues. Class 010 Class 010 Medical Instrument Products Medical devices, apparatuses, equipments, integrated systems, containers for the collection, preservation, storage, treatment, nutrition, culture, freezing, thawing, washing, reinjection, transformation and transplantation of biological cells, organs and tissues. Class 044 Medical, Beauty & Agricultural Services Medical services for the collection, preservation, storage, treatment, nutrition, culture, freezing, thawing, washing, reinjection, transformation and transplantation of biological cells, organs and tissues. | |