Chemicals used in industry and science; diagnostic preparations and chemical reagents for scientific or research use; diagnostic preparations and chemical reagents, other than for medical or veterinary purposes; diagnostic preparations and reagents for clinical or laboratory use; diagnostic preparations and chemical reagents for in vitro use in biochemistry, clinical chemistry and microbiology; enzymes for industrial purposes; enzyme stabilizers and substrates; enzymes for scientific and research purposes; laboratory chemicals, including antibody reagents used for the detection of antigens in cell and tissue analysis for in vitro diagnostic use; biochemical preparations and substances for in vitro scientific and research use; biological preparations for use in cell cultures other than for medical or veterinary use; cell growth media for growing cells for scientific and research use; chromatography chemicals; nucleic acid sequences and chemical reagents for other than medical and veterinary purposes; reagent kits comprising generic DNA circle, DNA primers, polymerase and buffers for use in biotechnology fields; chemical solutions and preparations consisting of pre-mixed reactants and reagents for scientific and research use in connection with amplification, analysis or labelling of nucleic acid; chemicals for use in the purification of proteins for in vitro use; biochemical reagents (probes) for detecting and analyzing molecules in protein or nucleotide arrays; protein arrays and nucleotide arrays for scientific and medical research.
Class 005
Class 005
Pharmaceutical Products
Diagnostic preparations and chemical reagents for medical or veterinary purposes; diagnostic reagents, preparations and substances for medical or veterinary purposes; diagnostic kits consisting primarily of monoclonal antibodies, buffers, and reagents for use in disease testing; diagnostic media for bacteriological cultures; cell growth media for growing cells for medical or clinical use; nucleic acid sequences and chemical reagents for medical and veterinary purposes.
Kementec Solutions A/S
Class 001
Chemical Products
Chemicals used in industry and science; diagnostic preparations and chemical reagents for scientific or research use; diagnostic preparations and chemical reagents, other than for medical or veterinary purposes; diagnostic preparations and reagents for clinical or laboratory use; diagnostic preparations and chemical reagents for in vitro use in biochemistry, clinical chemistry and microbiology; enzymes for industrial purposes; enzyme stabilizers and substrates; enzymes for scientific and research purposes; laboratory chemicals, including antibody reagents used for the detection of antigens in cell and tissue analysis for in vitro diagnostic use; biochemical preparations and substances for in vitro scientific and research use; biological preparations for use in cell cultures other than for medical or veterinary use; cell growth media for growing cells for scientific and research use; chromatography chemicals; nucleic acid sequences and chemical reagents for other than medical and veterinary purposes; reagent kits comprising generic DNA circle, DNA primers, polymerase and buffers for use in biotechnology fields; chemical solutions and preparations consisting of pre-mixed reactants and reagents for scientific and research use in connection with amplification, analysis or labelling of nucleic acid; chemicals for use in the purification of proteins for in vitro use; biochemical reagents (probes) for detecting and analyzing molecules in protein or nucleotide arrays; protein arrays and nucleotide arrays for scientific and medical research.
Class 005
Pharmaceutical Products
Diagnostic preparations and chemical reagents for medical or veterinary purposes; diagnostic reagents, preparations and substances for medical or veterinary purposes; diagnostic kits consisting primarily of monoclonal antibodies, buffers, and reagents for use in disease testing; diagnostic media for bacteriological cultures; cell growth media for growing cells for medical or clinical use; nucleic acid sequences and chemical reagents for medical and veterinary purposes.
Diagnostic preparations and chemical reagents for medical or veterinar...