Taxi services;Taxi transport;Arrangement of taxi transport;Providing taxi booking services via mobile applications;Transport of travellers by taxi;Courier services;Courier services (Travel -);Courier services [merchandise];Courier services [messages or merchandise];Courier services for cargo;Courier services for goods;Courier services for merchandise;Courier services for messages;Courier services for the delivery of goods;Courier services for the delivery of parcels;Courier services for the delivery packages;Courier services for the transportation of cargo;Delivery of mail by courier;Delivery of parcels by courier;Transportation by courier;Travel courier;Travel courier services.
Taxi services;Taxi transport;Arrangement of taxi transport;Providing taxi booking services via mobile applications;Transport of travellers by taxi;Courier services;Courier services (Travel -);Courier services [merchandise];Courier services [messages or merchandise];Courier services for cargo;Courier services for goods;Courier services for merchandise;Courier services for messages;Courier services for the delivery of goods;Courier services for the delivery of parcels;Courier services for the delivery packages;Courier services for the transportation of cargo;Delivery of mail by courier;Delivery of parcels by courier;Transportation by courier;Travel courier;Travel courier services.
Taxi services;Taxi transport;Arrangement of taxi transport;Providing t...