| IMRA IMRA America, Inc.
UK00913692769 | | Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Chemical preparations for use in bio-assays, in-vitro diagnostic testing, and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), and for research in the fields of medicine, biomedicine, nano-biotechnology, bioconjugation technology and drug delivery; reagents for research purposes; reagents for scientific or medical research use; biochemical reagents used for non-medical purposes; chemical reagents, other than for medical or veterinary use; diagnostic reagents for clinical or medical laboratory use; reagents for chemical analysis; reagents for use in scientific apparatus for chemical or biological analysis. Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Chemical reagents for medical or veterinary purposes; clinical medical reagents; diagnostic reagents for medical use. | | | IMRA IMRA America, Inc.
UK00913692785 | | Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Chemical preparations for use in bio-assays, in-vitro diagnostic testing, and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), and for research in the fields of medicine, biomedicine, nano-biotechnology, bioconjugation technology and drug delivery; reagents for research purposes; reagents for scientific or medical research use; biochemical reagents used for non-medical purposes; chemical reagents, other than for medical or veterinary use; reagents for chemical analysis; reagents for use in scientific apparatus for chemical or biological analysis. Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Chemical reagents for medical or veterinary purposes; clinical medical reagents; diagnostic reagents for medical use; diagnostic reagents for clinical or medical laboratory use. | | | IMRA AISIN CORPORATION
UK00001447336 | | Class 042 Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Industrial design; computer programming; engineering drawing; patent exploitation; mechanical, technical, chemical and geological research services; electrical, electronic and mechanical engineering services; all included in Class 42. | | | IMRA William Prym GmbH & Co. KG
UK00000718272 | | Class 026 Class 026 Lace, Ribbons & Embroidery and Fancy Goods Knitting pins and crochet hooks made of celluloid, wood, bone or casein. | |