Diagnostic reagents for scientific or research use;Diagnostic reagents for in-vitro use [other than medical];Diagnostic reagents for scientific use;Diagnostic reagents, other than for medical laboratory use;Diagnostic reagents, other than for medical use for sale in kit form;Diagnostic reagents, except for medical or veterinary use;Diagnostic reagents for in vitro use in biochemistry, clinical chemistry and microbiology.
Class 005
Class 005
Pharmaceutical Products
Chemical diagnostic reagents for medical use;Diagnostic chemical reagents for medical use;Reagents for use in diagnostic tests [for medical purposes].
Immunodiagnostic Systems Ltd
Class 001
Chemical Products
Diagnostic reagents for scientific or research use;Diagnostic reagents for in-vitro use [other than medical];Diagnostic reagents for scientific use;Diagnostic reagents, other than for medical laboratory use;Diagnostic reagents, other than for medical use for sale in kit form;Diagnostic reagents, except for medical or veterinary use;Diagnostic reagents for in vitro use in biochemistry, clinical chemistry and microbiology.
Class 005
Pharmaceutical Products
Chemical diagnostic reagents for medical use;Diagnostic chemical reagents for medical use;Reagents for use in diagnostic tests [for medical purposes].
Chemical diagnostic reagents for medical use;Diagnostic chemical reage...