| Kilfrost ALV Kilfrost Group Limited
UK00801379921 | | Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Chemicals used in industry and in science; chemical substances, chemical materials and chemical preparations, and natural elements (term too vague in the opinion of the International Bureau – Rule 13 (2) (b) of the Common Regulations); heat transfer fluids; heat transfer fluids for industrial use; heat transfer fluids for use in heating systems; heat transfer fluids for use in cooling systems; heat transfer fluids for use in the food industry, the beverage industry and in the pharmaceutical industry; heat transfer fluids for closed loop ground and water source heat pumps; heat transfer fluids for use in air source heat pumps, in heat recovery systems, in chillers, in process heating, in cooling units, in circulation baths for cooling and heating, in refrigeration units, in secondary refrigeration units, in skating hall cooling units, and in food and beverage cooling equipment; chemical substances for use as heat transfer media; chemical substances for use as ingredients in heat transfer media; flushing agents for heating systems; chemicals for preventing corrosion; chemical preparations for use as corrosion inhibitors; chemical additives; chemical additives for heat transfer fluids; chemical compositions for water treatment; glycol; monopropylene glycol; anti-icing fluids; anti-freeze chemicals; anti-freezing preparation, mixtures and liquids. | | | Kilfrost ALV Kilfrost Group Limited
UK00003150577 | | Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Chemicals used in industry and in science; chemical substances, chemical materials and chemical
preparations, and natural elements; heat transfer fluids; heat transfer fluids for industrial use; heat transfer
fluids for use in heating systems; heat transfer fluids for use in cooling systems; heat transfer fluids for use
in the food industry, the beverage industry and in the pharmaceutical industry; heat transfer fluids for closed
loop ground and water source heat pumps; heat transfer fluids for use in air source heat pumps, in heat
recovery systems, in chillers, in process heating, in cooling units, in circulation baths for cooling and
heating, in refrigeration units, in secondary refrigeration units, in skating hall cooling units, and in food and
beverage cooling equipment; chemical substances for use as heat transfer media; chemical substances for
use as ingredients in heat transfer media; flushing agents for heating systems; chemicals for preventing
corrosion; chemical preparations for use as corrosion inhibitors; chemical additives; chemical additives for
heat transfer fluids; chemical compositions for water treatment; glycol; monopropylene glycol; anti-icing
fluids; anti-freeze chemicals; anti-freezing preparation, mixtures and liquids. | |