Communication apparatus for the transmission of audio signals and/or video signals and/or data via digital radio and/or wireless personal area networks (e.g. Bluetooth) and/or wireless networks; communication installations for helmets; communication headphones with or without microphone; point-to-point communication apparatus; software and software packages for the aforementioned communications apparatus.
Engineering; software design; software creation; software engineering; technical support in the software sector; customised design of software packages; maintenance and updating of software; maintenance and repair of software; technical engineering and computerised technical engineering; development, programming and implementation of software.
Communication apparatus for the transmission of audio signals and/or video signals and/or data via digital radio and/or wireless personal area networks (e.g. Bluetooth) and/or wireless networks; communication installations for helmets; communication headphones with or without microphone; point-to-point communication apparatus; software and software packages for the aforementioned communications apparatus.
Engineering; software design; software creation; software engineering; technical support in the software sector; customised design of software packages; maintenance and updating of software; maintenance and repair of software; technical engineering and computerised technical engineering; development, programming and implementation of software.