| AD-O-LYTICS Kreppel & Kochanek GbR
UK00915708779 | | Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Chemical, biological and biochemical products, preparations and reagents for scientific, research, laboratory and industrial purposes; Chemical, biological and biochemical products, preparations and reagents for researching and characterising diseases; Chemical, biological and biochemical products, preparations and reagents for scientific and medical research and drug development; Chemical, biological and biochemical products, preparations and reagents for manufacturing drugs and pharmaceuticals; viruses, Viral components, viral particles, adenoviruses, micro-organisms, Proteins, Polypeptides, Carbonic hydrates, Polymers, Nucleotides, Nucleic acids, Eukaryotic cell lines and Cells; Viruses, viral components, viral particles and adenoviruses for production of medication and pharmaceuticals; Viruses, viral components, viral particles and adenoviruses for scientific, research, laboratory, industrial and commercial purposes. Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Medicine; Pharmaceutical and veterinary substances, preparations and reagents; Chemical, biological and biochemical substances, preparations and reagents for medical and veterinary purposes; Diagnostic and analytical preparations for medical and veterinary purposes; viruses, Viral components, viral particles, adenoviruses, Microorganisms, proteins, Polypeptides, Carbohydrates, Polymers, Nucleotides, Nucleic acids, Eukaryotic cell lines and cells for medical, Veterinary and Diagnostic purposes. Class 042 Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services Scientific and industrial research, in particular in the field of medicine, pharmacy, molecular biology, biotechnology and genetics; Research and development of drugs, diagnostic and analytical preparations, therapy procedures and expression systems; Scientific, technical and industrial consultancy, in particular in the field of medicine, pharmacy, molecular biology, biotechnology and genetics; Cultivation, extraction, optimisation, synthesising and modification of viruses, viral components, viral particles, adenoviruses, eukaryotic cell lines, eukaryotic cells, micro-organisms, proteins, polypeptides, carbohydrates, polymers, nucleotides, nucleic acids, for others, for scientific, research, laboratory, development, industrial and commercial purposes, in particular for use in the field of medicine, pharmacy, molecular biology, biotechnology and genetics. | | | SYN-O-AD ICL-IP America Inc.
UK00911439015 | | Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Additive for synthetic oil. Class 004 Class 004 Lubricant and Fuel Products synthetic oil. | | | SYN-O-AD ICL-IP America, Inc.
UK00001051093 | | Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Chemical products for use as additives to lubricants. | | | Ad Hoc L O N D O N William Joseph Deasy
UK00001584981 | | Class 025 Class 025 Clothing Products Footwear; skirts; trousers; jackets; shirts; tee shirts; hats; belts; all included in Class 25. | | | Aad O Alpha ad Omega Consultants Alpha Ad Omega Consultants
UK00002592052 | | Class 044 Class 044 Medical, Beauty & Agricultural Services Techincal consultancy relating to medical health. Class 045 Class 045 Personal & Legal & Social Services Advisory services relating to regulatory affairs. Issuing of regulatory information. Certification and Standard setting. | |