1834521 26 Apr 2017 | on 04 Jun 2020 | Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Chemical preparations for paper manufacture; chemical additives for oil production; chemical preparations used to protect against corrosion in the metalworking, petroleum and shipping industries; chemical pH stabilizers and pH buffers used for preserving fuels as well as technical products, namely, water-soluble and non-water soluble metalworking fluids, technical oils, diesel fuel and bilge water for vessels for use in the metal working, petroleum, and shipping industries; chemical preparations used as sulfide and oxygen scavenger in water circulation systems; chemical preparations used as sulfide and oxygen scavenger in the oil and gas industry, namely for use in oil and gas exploration; chemical preparations used as sulfide and oxygen scavenger in water circulation systems; chemical preparations used as sulfide and oxygen scavenger in the oil and gas industry | | | STABICOR SCHÜLKE & MAYR GMBH
1550509 03 Nov 2011 | on 26 Jan 2015 | Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Chemical preparations used as corrosion inhibitors for use in the metal working, petroleum, and shipping industries; chemical pH stabilizers and pH buffers used for preserving fuels and technical products, namely, water-soluble and non-water soluble metal working liquids, technical oils, diesel fuel, and bilge water for vessels for use in the metal working, petroleum, and shipping industries; chemical preparations used as sulfide- and/or oxygene- scavenger in the oil and gas industry and (drilling, oil-exploration and refinery) and in water circulation systems; chemical preparations used as catalase inhibitor in the paper industry. | | | STABICOR SCHÜLKE & MAYR GMBH
1547314 11 Oct 2011 | on 15 Nov 2011 | Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Chemical preparations used as corrosion inhibitors for use in the metal working, petroleum, and shipping industries; chemical pH stabilizers and pH buffers used for preserving fuels and technical products, namely, water-soluble and non-water soluble metal working liquids, technical oils, diesel fuel, and bilge water for vessels for use in the metal working, petroleum, and shipping industries. | |