Chemical substances, chemical materials and chemical preparations; biological preparations for industry and science; biological preparations for use in manufacture; enzymatic preparations for industrial and agricultural use; enzymatic preparations for the manufacture of nutritional supplements; enzymatic preparations for use in the manufacture of pharmaceutical products; proteins for the agri-food industry; chemical substances for use as food, pharmaceutical or agricultural ingredients; chemical and organic compounds and substances for use in the manufacture of: food and beverages for humans or animals, aquaculture feed, food supplements for humans or animals, pharmaceutical products and veterinary products, agricultural fertilizers and biostimulants.
on 15 May 2024
2327407 · 20 Feb 2024
Class 001
Chemical Products
Chemical substances, chemical materials and chemical preparations; biological preparations for industry and science; biological preparations for use in manufacture; enzymatic preparations for industrial and agricultural use; enzymatic preparations for the manufacture of nutritional supplements; enzymatic preparations for use in the manufacture of pharmaceutical products; proteins for the agri-food industry; chemical substances for use as food, pharmaceutical or agricultural ingredients; chemical and organic compounds and substances for use in the manufacture of: food and beverages for humans or animals, aquaculture feed, food supplements for humans or animals, pharmaceutical products and veterinary products, agricultural fertilizers and biostimulants.
Chemical substances, chemical materials and chemical preparations; bio...