1796827 22 Aug 2016 | on 02 May 2018 | Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Chemicals for laboratory research and production, in the fields of medical research, pharmaceutical research, chemical production, electronical production and pharmaceutical API production, wherein chemicals are used as raw materials and additives for the synthesis of organic and organometallic compounds, or used as reagents for analysis, quality control, sample preparation, sample digestion and extraction | | | MSYNTH MERCK KGAA
1554534 01 Dec 2011 | on 10 Jun 2016 | Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Chemicals for clinical and medical laboratory use, medical research use, and scientific research, namely, reagents for analysis, quality control, sample preparation, sample digestion and extraction; chemicals as raw materials and additives for the synthesis of organic compounds. | |