773173 18 Jan 1995 | on 26 Apr 1996 | Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Chemicals used for the treatment of metals, namely cleaning, pickling and heat treating agents; chemicals used for the treatment of byproduts of or residues from metal treating processes, namely reducing, neutralizing, chelating and precipitating agents. | | | KOLENE KOLENE CORPORATION
224453 21 Apr 1954 | on 15 Dec 1999 | Class 003 Class 003 Cosmetics and Cleaning Products Fused salts for forming molten salt baths for the cleaning of metals; equipment and apparatus forming molten salt baths for the cleaning of metals, namely tanks, conveyors, buckets, baskets and supports. | | | KOLENE & DESIGN KOLENE CORPORATION
587373 07 Jul 1987 | on 25 Nov 1988 | Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Molten alkali salt composition for the descaling, deglassing, and degreasing of metals. | |