Computer hardware; integrated circuits, integrated circuit chips; semiconductor processors; semiconductor processor chips; software programmable microprocessors; notebook and laptop computers; portable computers; handheld computers; computer hardware for the development, maintenance; and use of local and wide area computer networks; servers; computer networking hardware; semiconductor devices; computer hardware for creating, facilitation, and managing remote access to and communication with local area networks, virtual private networks, wide area networks and global computer networks; computer hardware for wireless network communications and connectivity
Computer hardware; integrated circuits, integrated circuit chips; semiconductor processors; semiconductor processor chips; software programmable microprocessors; notebook and laptop computers; portable computers; handheld computers; computer hardware for the development, maintenance; and use of local and wide area computer networks; servers; computer networking hardware; semiconductor devices; computer hardware for creating, facilitation, and managing remote access to and communication with local area networks, virtual private networks, wide area networks and global computer networks; computer hardware for wireless network communications and connectivity