2083742 28 May 2020 | on 14 Mar 2023 | Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Chemical products for use in ponds, pools, aquaria and other water storage areas; chemicals used to treat algal growth in ponds, pools, aquaria and other water storage areas; biological or organic cleaning products for use in ponds, pools, aquaria and other water storage areas (terms too vague in the opinion of the International Bureau - Rule 13 (2) (b) of the Regulations); bacteria (other than for medical or veterinary purposes); bacterial preparations (other than for medical and veterinary use); dried bacterial preparations (other than for medical and veterinary use); bacteria for use in ponds, pools, aquaria and other water storage areas; bacterial preparations for use in ponds, pools, aquaria and other water storage areas; dried bacterial preparations for use in ponds, pools, aquaria and other water storage areas; bacteria for use in water treatment; bacterial preparations for use in water treatment; dried bacterial preparations for use in water treatment; bacteria used to treat algal growth in ponds, pools, aquaria and other water storage areas; bacterial preparations used to treat algal growth in ponds, pools, aquaria and other water storage areas; dried bacterial preparations used to treat algal growth in ponds, pools, aquaria and other water storage areas; substances for use in aquaculture (other than pharmaceutical) (terms too vague in the opinion of the International Bureau - Rule 13 (2) (b) of the Regulations). Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Pesticides; herbicides; algicides; algicides for use in ponds, pools, aquaria and other water storage areas; algicides for pond, pool or aquarium maintenance; preparations for treating algal growth in water; preparations for preventing or reducing the formation or growth of algae in water; biological or organic products used to treat algal growth in ponds, pools, aquaria and other water storage areas; pesticides, herbicides and algicides for use in ponds, pools, aquaria and other water storage areas; pesticides, herbicides and algicides for water treatment; algicidal substances for use in aquaculture; bacterial cultures; dried bacterial preparations in this class; bacteria being pesticides, herbicides or algicides; bacterial preparations being pesticides, herbicides or algicides; dried bacterial preparations being pesticides, herbicides or algicides. | |