on 07 Dec 2022
SharkNinja Operating LLC
2006100 · 14 Jan 2020
Class 007
Machinery Products
Vacuum cleaners and hand-held vacuum cleaners
Vacuum cleaners and hand-held vacuum cleaners
on 17 Oct 2023
1999386 · 27 Sep 2019
Class 022
Ropes, Cordage and Fiber Products
Bâches non ajustées pour bains à remous; sangles de remorquage; cordes de remorquage de véhicules; cordes de remorquage pour automobiles; fibres acryliques; poil d'alpaga; poil de chèvre angora; cordes d'ancrage; cordons pour la suspension de cadres; stores d'extérieur en matières textiles; bandelettes pour attacher la vigne; liens non métalliques; bandes à lier non métalliques; liber; fibre de raphia à l'état brut; déchets de coton; déchets de coton (bourre); fibres de coton; maille de coton (matière textile brute); ouate de coton pour vêtements; ouate de coton pour futons; étoupe de coton; cordes d'escalade; garcettes; sacs-filets pour le lavage de la lingerie; sacs d'irrigation pour l'arrosage d'arbres; fils à lier non métalliques; liens non métalliques à usage agricole; corde; ficelles; ficelles d'emballage; toiles de sols; toiles de sol en vinyle; tendeurs; tentes de camping; fibres chimiques à usage textile; duvet (plumes); édredon (plumes); maille élastique pour produits carnés (matière textile brute); fibres utilisées dans la fabrication de boyau pour raquettes et pour la pêche; plumes pour le rembourrage; plumes pour la literie; ouate à filtrer; filets de pêche; fibre de lin à l'état brut; emballages en paille pour bouteilles; fleurets de soie; fibres de rembourrage; filets pour l'alimentation animale; liens de gerbes non métalliques; fibres à filer; sacs en tissu pour cadeaux; fibres de verre à usage textile; maille de fibre de verre (matière textile brute); herbes pour le rembourrage; jarres (poils) d'animaux; sangles non métalliques pour l'arrimage de paquets; fibres semi-synthétiques à usage textile; chanvre; fibres de chanvre; fibre de chanvre à l'état brut; sangles de chanvre; filets de chanvre; hamacs; poil de lapin; sangles non métalliques pour le levage de charges; élingues de chargement non métalliques; élingues non métalliques pour la manutention de fardeaux; copeaux de bois; copeaux de bois pour le rembourrage; laine de bois; rubans de jalousies; jute; fibres de jute à l'état brut; câbles non métalliques; poils de chameau; laine peignée; capoc; fibres de carbone à usage textile; cocons; bourre de soie; fibres de coco; fibres en matières plastiques à usage textile; brise-vent en matières plastiques pour courts de tennis; lassos; sangles non métalliques pour la manutention de fardeaux; sacs mortuaires; sacs destinés à contenir les dépouilles avant la crémation; toile à voiles; linters; auvents en matières synthétiques; auvents en toile; auvents en matières textiles; auvents en matières textiles ou synthétiques; auvents non métalliques; sacs en toile à usages multiples; filets pour le lavage du linge; maille de fibres chimiques; filets en matières textiles de protection contre les chutes de pierres; filets pour la pêche commerciale; filets de protection contre les chutes de pierres; maille ni en métal ni en amiante; fils de filets; parcs en filet pour la pisciculture; sacs de stockage en mailles; lacis; bâches non ajustées pour piscines; ficelles en papier; ligneuls; mèches de fouets; suspensions en corde pour plantes; sacs en tissu à mailles plastifié pour la culture de plantes et d'arbres; toile goudronnée; bâches, autres que pour navires; bâches non ajustées pour bateaux; bâches non ajustées pour machines motorisées; bâches pour bateaux; bourres (rembourrures); matières de rembourrage, à l'exception du papier, carton, caoutchouc ou des matières plastiques; matières de rembourrage, à l'exception du papier, carton, caoutchouc ou des matières plastiques; matières de rembourrage ni en caoutchouc, ni en matières plastiques, ni en papier ou en carton; matières d'emballage (rembourrage) ni en caoutchouc, ni en matières plastiques, ni en papier ou en carton; fibres de polyester à usage textile; maille plastique de polyester pour le conditionnement de produits; fibres polymériques non tissées à usage textile; sacs postaux; fibres de silice vitrifiée à usage textile; fibres de raphia; fibres de ramie; fibre de ramie à l'état brut; raphia; poils de bovins; seines coulissantes; coton brut; matières textiles fibreuses brutes; matières textiles fibreuses brutes et leurs succédanés; laine brute ou traitée; fibres textiles à l'état brut; lin brut (teillé); soie brute; crins de cheval; sacs pour le transport et le stockage de marchandises en vrac; emballages en toile de jute pour plantes; sciure de bois; toisons (poils d'animaux); schappe (bourre); voiles (gréement); lacets (pièges); cordons de fenêtres à guillotine; sacs de rangement pour chaussures; bretelles non métalliques pour la manutention de fardeaux; tonte; pochettes de protection en tissu pour le rangement de sacs à mains non utilisés; soies de porc; algues de mer pour le rembourrage; voiles; voiles pour planches à voile; voiles pour ski à voile; emballages en toile pour plantes; fibres de soie; maille de soie (matière textile brute); cordes; cordages de chanvre; cordes à usage maritime; cordes de rampes; cordes et ficelles; corde pour jouets d'animaux de compagnie; élingues en corde pour la manutention; sacs à fourrage; sisal; fibres de sisal; fibres de sisal à l'état brut; tauds pour embarcations maritimes; fibres de spart; bâches anti-poussière; élingues en tissu pour la manutention; laine cardée; échelles de corde; paille pour le rembourrage; cordes de paille; cordes synthétiques; gréements non métalliques; filets de camouflage; bâches de camouflage; cordages; cordages non métalliques; filets à mailles en tissu et polyester utilisés pour le rangement de jouets et autres articles à usage domestique; sacs en matières textiles pour le conditionnement de marchandises; fibres textiles; crin; contenants de conditionnement industriel en matières textiles; sacs (enveloppes, pochettes) en matières textiles pour l'emballage; cordes d'emballage; ficelle agricole; enveloppes de correspondance en tissu; sacs de rangement en nylon et toile pour accessoires d'aspirateurs; poils de chiens viverrins; sacs à linge sale; sacs de lavage pour le linge; cordes à linge; sacs en résine de polyuréthane pour l'enlèvement et le lavage de linge contaminé; ouate pour le rembourrage ou le capitonnage; ouate ni de caoutchouc, ni de papier, ni de matières plastiques pour le matelassage et le rembourrage; sacs-cadeaux en matières textiles pour bouteilles de vin; étoupe; toiles d'aérage; laine de rembourrage; laine (matériau à l'état brut); flocons de laine; voiles pour yachts; tentes; tentes, autres que de camping; tentes et bâches; tentes et bâches; doubles toits de tentes; sangles d'attache non métalliques.
Class 025
Clothing Products
Tenues de soirée; robes de soirée; robes de soirée; haneri (collerettes amovibles pour kimonos); talons; talonnettes pour chaussures; goussets pour dessous de bras (parties de vêtements); goussets pour dessous de bras (parties de vêtements); après-skis; aubes; dossards de football américain; bottes de pêche en caoutchouc; chaussures pour la pêche à la ligne; anoraks (parkas); costumes; complets-veston; chaussures habillées; vêtements à usage professionnel; maillots sans manches; manches d'appoint (habillement); articles chaussants pour l'athlétisme; bodies pour bébés; ensembles nuisette-short; culottes pour bébés; bavoirs pour bébés en plastique; hauts pour bébés; bas pour bébés; layettes; maillots de bain; maillots de bain pour dames; maillots de bain pour hommes; maillots de bain ajustés à balconnets; caleçons de bain; peignoirs de bain; bonnets de bain; sandales de bain; souliers de bain; ballerines (chaussures plates); ballerines (chaussures plates); robes de bal; bandanas (foulards); bandeaux (vêtements); bandeaux (vêtements); casquettes de baseball; chaussures de baseball; bas thermiques; hauts thermiques; bérets; baskets (de basket-ball); baskets (de basket-ball); brassières (chemises pour dames); manteaux en coton; tee-shirts imprimés; jambières; vêtements en cachemire; vêtements en imitations du cuir; vêtements de laine; vêtements, autres que vêtements de protection, comprenant des éléments ou matériaux réfléchissants ou fluorescents; habillement pour automobilistes; vêtements de sport; vêtements sport; vêtements pour la pratique du judo; vêtements pour filles; vêtements en cachemire; articles vestimentaires pour bébés et tout-petits; vêtements de sport; vêtements; articles vestimentaires en lin; vêtements en papier; vêtements en fourrure; vêtements en peluche; vêtements en soie; articles vestimentaires en peau; vêtements de sport; vêtements pour bébés; vêtements de sport; articles vestimentaires pour représentations théâtrales; vêtements pour garçons; vêtements pour jeux de combat; vêtements, chaussures, chapellerie; articles vestimentaires, chaussures et articles de chapellerie pour bébés et tout-petits; vêtements en cuir ou imitations de cuir; pantalons d'intérieur; chaussures montantes d'escalade; chaussures d'escalade; bermudas; liseuses (vêtements); cuissards longs à bretelles; bikinis; blazers; blousons; chemisiers; boas (tours de cou); collants intégraux; bodys (vêtements de dessous); bodies (vêtements); boléros; cravates-western (cordelières); blousons d'aviateurs; bonnets à pompons; chaussures de pont; chaussures de bowling; caleçons (courts); chaussures de boxe; soutiens-gorge sans armatures; robes de mariée; bobs; soutiens-gorge; bretelles de soutiens-gorge (parties de vêtements); bustiers; guêpières porte-jarretelles; pantacourts; pantalons cargo; vêtements sport; chasubles; toges pour choristes; cravates western avec des embouts métalliques; vêtements pour femmes; tailleurs pour dames; robes; tailleurs; culottes (sous-vêtements); souliers pour dames; culottes (sous-vêtements); bottes pour dames; vestes en duvet; costumes trois pièces (habillement); pantacourts; duffle-coats; bonnets de douche; semelles intérieures; pochettes (habillement); combinaisons une pièce; combishorts; chaussons jetables; sous-vêtements jetables; vêtements de patinage artistique; tenues de patinage; espadrilles; gants de cyclisme; chaussures de cyclisme; chaussures de conduite; hakama (jupes plissées pour kimonos de cérémonie); costumes de mascarade; talonnettes; robes de cérémonie pour dames; soutiens-gorge de sport anti-humidité; maillots de sport anti-humidité; pantalons de sport anti-humidité; chemises pour la pêche; vestes de pêcheurs; hiyori-geta (sabots bas en bois); chaussures plates; pull-overs en fibre polaire; noeuds papillon; combinaisons de vol; tenues de cérémonie; tenues pour les loisirs; chemisettes décontractées; pantalons décontractés; vestes de survêtement; tenues pour les loisirs; chaussures pour les loisirs; culottes-shorts; capes de coiffure; chaussures de football; dossards de football; gabardines (vêtements); galoches; guêtres; culottes de gaucho; vestes matelassées; fracs; ceintures porte-monnaie (habillement); pantalons rembourrés pour le sport; maillots rembourrés pour le sport; shorts rembourrés pour le sport; tenues de cérémonie; chemises tissées; articles vestimentaires tissés; antidérapants pour chaussures; pointes de chaussures de golf; vêtements de golf autres que gants; vêtements de golf autres que gants; chemises de golf; pantalons de golf; casquettes de golf; jupes de golf; chaussures de golf; bermudas de golf; chaussures de caoutchouc; caoutchoucs (chaussures); semelles en caoutchouc; semelles en caoutchouc pour jikatabis; caoutchoucs (chaussures); ceinturons; ceintures en imitations de cuir; ceintures en matières textiles (habillement); ceintures (habillement); haori-himo (attaches à cordon pour vestes japonaises); koshihimo (cordelettes de maintien pour kimonos); obiage-shin (tournures pour noeuds d'obi); vêtements de gymnastique; socquettes; demi-bottes; déguisements pour Halloween (vêtements); tours de cou (vêtements); cravates (foulards noués); foulards; chaussures de handball; gants (habillement); gants en peau, cuir ou fourrure; gants isothermiques; vêtements d'intérieur; robes d'intérieur; robes d'intérieur; chaussons en cuir; chaussons-chaussettes; chemises hawaïennes; chemises hawaïennes à boutonnage devant; plastrons (devants de chemise); empiècements de chemises; chemises; chemises pour costumes; chemises à col ouvert; robes droites; plastrons de chemises; vêtements pour hommes, femmes et enfants; costumes pour hommes; vêtements pour hommes; chaussettes pour hommes; sous-vêtements pour hommes; robes de mariée; chaussures de hockey sur gazon; ashida (sabots hauts pour la pluie); sabots (chaussures); pantalons pour jeunes enfants; pantalons de personnel infirmier; tailleurs-pantalons; jupes-culottes; sous-pieds; bretelles; gaines (sous-vêtements); chapeaux; carcasses de chapeaux; vestes; vestes de pêche; doublures de vestes; pantalons de chasse; vestes de chasse; sacs spécialement conçus pour bottes de chasse; gilets de chasse; chemises de chasse; jeans; vêtements en denim; jerseys (vêtements); survêtements; survêtements; vareuses; tenues de judo; cafetans; camisoles; calottes; capuchons (vêtements); capuchons (habillement); sweat-shirts à capuche; tenues de karaté; tenues de kendo; pantalons khakis; kilts; kimonos; bavoirs en tissu pour enfants; chaussures pour enfants en bas âge; chaussures pour enfants en bas âge; robes longues; blouses pour coiffeurs pour hommes; robes de demoiselles d'honneur; blouses de personnel infirmier; vêtements de sport; petits chapeaux; pantalons de golf; mi-bas; genouillères thermiques (accessoires vestimentaires); genouillères thermiques (accessoires vestimentaires); bonnets à noeud pour bébés; toques de cuisinier; doublures confectionnées (parties de vêtements); vêtements confectionnés; articles de chapellerie; articles de chapellerie en cuir; articles de chapellerie pour enfants; bibis; foulards (fichus); gilets sans manches molletonnés; cache-corset; corsets (vêtements de dessous); tailleurs; déguisements pour jeux de rôle; déguisements pour enfants; cols; cravates; lavallières; ceintures de smoking; chemisettes; capes courtes; pantalons courts; jupons courts; haori (manteaux courts à porter sur un kimono); salopettes-shorts; blouses de laboratoire; chemises à manches longues; pull-overs à manches longues; vestes longues; nagagi (kimonos longs); caleçons longs en tant que sous-vêtements; bavoirs pour bébés autres qu'en papier; bavoirs à manches non en papier; bavoirs non en papier; bavoirs ni en tissu, ni en papier; salopettes de chasse; chaussures de course; costumes en cuir; vêtements en cuir; ceintures en cuir (habillement); ceintures en cuir (habillement); pantalons en cuir; jambières en cuir; chaussures en cuir; leggins (pantalons); sous-vêtements; chaussures en toile; livrées; faux-cols; manipules (liturgie); tenues d'athlétisme; manchettes (habillement); manteaux; mantilles; costumes de marins; corselets; corsets (gaines); minijupes; mitres (habillement); pulls à col cheminée; hauts à col cheminée; sous-pulls à col cheminée; mocassins; peignoirs; gants de motocyclisme; vestes pour motocyclistes; combinaisons de pluie pour motocyclistes; bottes de motocyclisme; manchons (habillement); bottes en peau de phoque (mukluks); marcels; marcels; casquettes; chapeaux pour nourrissons, bébés, tout-petits et enfants; casquettes à visière; visières de casquettes; robes hawaïennes (muu-muus); vêtements de nuit; chemises de nuit; bonnets de nuit; vêtements de nuit; bandes d'encolure (parties de vêtements); combinaisons humides pour le surf; combinaisons humides pour les sports nautiques de surface; combinaisons isothermiques pour la planche à voile; déshabillés; chancelières non chauffées électriquement; vêtements de dessus; chemises habillées; bandeaux pour les oreilles; bandeaux pour les oreilles; couvre-oreilles (habillement); vêtements de plein air; combinaisons (vêtements); combinaisons-pantalons (habillement); combinaisons de personnel infirmier; pantoufles; chapeaux en papier (habillement); chaussures en papier utilisées pour ne pas se salir les pieds et les chaussettes lors du passage sous un détecteur de métaux; vêtements liturgiques (habillement); vêtements liturgiques (habillement); paréos; parkas; chapeaux de fête (habillement); sandales pour séances de pédicurie; chaussons pour séances de pédicurie; chaussons en mousse pour séances de pédicurie; pèlerines; fourrures (vêtements); pelisses; vestes de fourrure; manteaux de fourrure; manchons de fourrure; chapeaux de fourrure; jupons; jupons-culottes; polos en piqué; tabliers en matières plastiques; tenues de jeu; tenues de jeu; polos; hauts de type polos en maille; ponchos; combinaisons pilotes pour bébés; pull-overs; pulls à col ras du cou; pulls à col en V; pull-overs sans manches; culottes bouffantes; escarpins; pyjamas; bas de pyjamas; habillement pour cyclistes; pantacourts; trépointes de chaussures; maillots de corps protecteurs pour sports nautiques; pantalons de pluie; chapeaux de pluie; cirés; bottes de pluie; gants d'équitation; manteaux d'équitation; chaussures d'équitation; bottes d'équitation; répliques de chaussettes, shorts et maillots de football américain; répliques de chaussettes, shorts et maillots de football; répliques de chaussettes, shorts et maillots de football américain; brides de chaussures; jupes; ceintures montées; hauts à col roulé; sous-pulls à col roulé; pulls à col roulé; ruanas; maillots de rugby; chaussures de rugby; shorts de rugby; chaussures de rugby; maillots de rugby; sandales; sabots ouverts; saris; sarongs; cache-cols; cache-nez; écharpes; obis pour kimonos; suge-gasa (chapeaux en laîche); visières; pyjamas; pyjamas en tricot; masques pour dormir; bustiers tubes; tenues pour intempéries; voiles (vêtements); guimpes (vêtements); combinaisons d'hiver; pantalons d'hiver; après-skis; brodequins; ferrures de chaussures; souliers; bottes et chaussures; semelles intérieures non orthopédiques; semelles; semelles de chaussures pour la cordonnerie; bouts renforts de chaussures; empeignes; bouts de chaussures; chaussures; chaussures en bois; chaussures, autres que de sport; chaussures à l'exclusion de chaussures orthopédiques; souliers pour bébés; chaussures pour le surf des neiges; souliers pour hommes; chaussures pour dames et pour hommes; chaussures pour enfants en bas âge; écharpes d'épaules; uniformes scolaires; blouses; tabliers en papier; tabliers (vêtements); ferrures de protection pour chaussures et bottes; bandeaux de grossesse (habillement); bandeaux de grossesse (habillement); robes de grossesse; sous-vêtements absorbant la transpiration; chaussettes absorbant la transpiration; bas absorbant la transpiration; sous-vêtements absorbant la transpiration; bandeaux contre la transpiration; dessous-de-bras; chaussettes contre la transpiration; soutiens-gorge adhésifs; capes à shampoing; blousons techniques; shorties (sous-vêtements); shorties (sous-vêtements); shorts; shorts en fibre polaire; shorts de boxe; combinaisons de ski; combinaisons de ski de compétition; vêtements de ski; gants de ski; pantalons de ski; anoraks de ski; cagoules de ski; bonnets de ski; chaussures de ski; sacs spécialement conçus pour chaussures de ski; jupes-shorts; cuissards; slips; ceintures de smoking; vestes d'intérieur; smokings; combinaisons de snowboard; moufles de snowboard; gants de snowboard; vestes de snowboard; boots de snowboard; chaussettes; chaussettes habillées pour hommes; fixe-chaussettes; semelles de chaussons; robes bain-de-soleil; combinaisons nautiques antisolaires; chapeaux de soleil; soutanes; vêtements de sport; soutiens-gorge de sport; chemises de sport à manches courtes; vestes de sport; vêtements de sport; vestes décontractées; chaussures de sport; souliers de sport; chaussettes de sport; maillots de sport; survêtements; débardeurs de sport; vêtements de sport; cache-poussières (vêtements); chaussures de claquettes; gilets matelassés; bottes; bottes de motocyclisme; tiges de bottes; bandeaux pour la tête (habillement); bandeaux pour la tête contre la transpiration; bandeaux pour la tête contre la transpiration; bavoirs en tissu; bavoirs de table en tissu pour adultes; châles; étoles (fourrures); crampons de chaussures de football; clous pour chaussures de sport; datejime (ceintures enveloppantes pour kimonos); barboteuses; barboteuses; costumes de plage; chaussures de plage; cache-maillots de plage; pantalons élastiques; polos en maille; bonnets en maille; tricots (vêtements); strings (sous-vêtements); jarretières; bas; talonnettes pour les bas; jarretelles; collants; passe-montagnes; chaussettes sans pieds; vêtements de surf; shorts de surf (habillement de plage et de bain); pull-overs; sweat-shirts; shorts de sport; serre-taille; débardeurs; vêtements de danse; costumes de danse; chaussures de danse; chaussures de danse de salon; gants de camouflage; chemises de camouflage; pantalons de camouflage; vestes de camouflage; gilets de camouflage; goussets pour dessous de bras (parties de vêtements); vêtements de tennis; robes de tennis; chaussures de tennis; thobes (vêtements traditionnels); thobes (vêtements traditionnels); vêtements de protection thermique; articles de chapellerie en matières textiles thermiques; chaussettes thermiques; sous-vêtements thermiques; toges; toques; costumes folkloriques; costumes folkloriques; bretelles de soutiens-gorge (parties de vêtements); robes-chasubles; soutiens-gorge sans bretelles; survêtements; survêtements; chaussures de training; trench-coats; vêtements de triathlon; combinaisons étanches; tee-shirts; fichus (vêtements); tuniques; turbans; shorts de sport; baskets; twin-sets; couvre-chaussures; pardessus; surpantalons; capes pour salons de coiffure pour hommes et femmes; vêtements de maternité; vêtements de nuit pour la grossesse; lingerie de grossesse; uniformes; sous-vêtements d'une pièce à jambes et manches longues; sous-vêtements; combinaisons (vêtements de dessous); vestes sans manches en fibre polaire; chaussures de volley-ball; maillots de volley-ball; poches de vêtements; valenki (bottes en feutre); pourpoints; chaussures de randonnée; shorts de marche à pied; chaussures de randonnée; tabards; vêtements imperméabilisés; vestes et pantalons imperméables; vestes et pantalons imperméables; chaussons pour sports nautiques; vestes imperméables; bottes imperméables pour la pêche; combinaisons de ski nautique; bottes de pêche; vestes réversibles; gilets; vêtements de dessus résistant aux intempéries; vêtements à l'épreuve des intempéries; datemaki (ceintures enveloppantes pour kimonos); paréos; langes (vêtements); vestes en daim; articles vestimentaires coupe-vent; combinaisons coupe-vent; pantalons coupe-vent; vestes coupe-vent; vestes coupe-vent; maillots coupe-vent; gilets coupe-vent; gants d'hiver; bottes d'hiver; bonneterie; chapeaux en laine; chaussettes en laine; collants en laine; pantalons de yoga; chaussures de yoga; tee-shirts de yoga; bouts (parties de chaussures); bouts (parties de chaussures); costumes zazous; languettes ou pattes pour chaussures et bottes; languettes ou pattes pour chaussures et bottes; languettes ou pattes pour chaussures et bottes; soufflets (parties de vêtements); soufflets (parties de vêtements); goussets pour maillots de bain (parties de vêtements); goussets pour maillots de bain (parties de vêtements); goussets pour chaussettes invisibles (parties de vêtements); goussets pour chaussettes invisibles (parties de vêtements); goussets pour justaucorps (parties de vêtements); goussets pour justaucorps (parties de vêtements); goussets pour bas (parties de vêtements); goussets pour bas (parties de vêtements); goussets pour collants (parties de vêtements); goussets pour collants (parties de vêtements); goussets pour sous-vêtements (parties de vêtements); goussets pour sous-vêtements (parties de vêtements); hauts-de-forme.
Bâches non ajustées pour bains à remous; sangles de remorquage; cordes...
on 29 Dec 2023
1995583 · 17 Jun 2019
Class 007
Machinery Products
Injection molding machines for processing plastics; extruders for foamed resin materials; injection molding machines for foamed resin materials; extruders used for forming plastic, resin, rubber, ceramics and liquid materials; nanoimprint apparatus for processing synthetic resin that press molds onto UV-curable resin to transfer micro patterns thereto, and thereafter expose said UV-curable resin to UV rays to cure it; nanoimprint apparatus for processing synthetic resin that press molds onto thermoplastic resin after it has been heated to a certain temperature and thereafter cools it to a certain temperature to transfer micro patterns thereto; nanoimprint apparatus for processing synthetic resin that press molds onto thermosetting resin and heats it to a certain temperature to transfer micro patterns thereto; room-temperature nanoimprint apparatus that press molds onto inorganic materials to transfer micro patterns thereto; nanoimprint apparatus in the nature of moulds for processing synthetic resins; machines for processing plastics, namely, resin processing machines in the nature of modeling machines used for processing and winding sheet-shaped resin ;automatic take-out robots for plastic forming machines; die-casting machines; machines for metal casting; lathes [machine tools]; dicing machines for use in metal working; ; boring machines for metalworking; machining centers for metal working; grinding machines for metalworking; metalworking machines and apparatus, namely, punching presses, rolling mills, shaping machines, boring machines, bending machines, broaching machines, cutting machines, drilling machines, turning machines and metalworking machine tools; electrostatic and spin coating machines for coating plastic materials; painting machines; rotary printing presses; photogravure printing presses; printing presses; servomotors; starters for motors and engines; alternating current servo motors and direct current motors; AC generators; DC generators; electron beam writers for manufacturing semiconductors; epitaxial growth equipment for manufacturing semiconductors; optical component manufacturing machines; semiconductor manufacturing machines and systems; nanoimprint lithography (NIL) equipment for manufacturing semiconductors; semiconductor manufacturing machines and systems using nanoimprint technology; 3D printers; machines and apparatus for manufacturing and processing films and sheets made of a material, namely, metal, textile, glass, plastic, ceramic or paper, and parts and accessories for the aforesaid goods; polishing machines and apparatus for precision processing of the surface of glasses, metals, diamonds, plastics and ceramics; industrial robots; machine tools for the textile industry; textile machines and apparatus, namely, textile bonding machines, textile tentering machines, and textile scotching machines; food or beverage processing machines and apparatus, namely, electric food processors, packaging machines for food, beverage processing machines; woodworking machines and apparatus, namely, circular saws, sanding machines and laser engraving machines; robots and robotic arms for lumbering; industrial robots for processing and shaping wood; machines for processing wood pulp; machines for manufacturing veneers; robots and robotic arms for plywood making; glass cutting machines; glass polishing machines; industrial robots for working glass; glassware manufacturing machines; glass forming machines; machines and apparatus for processing lens made of glass and plastic; grinding machines for the treatment of ceramics; grinding machines for metalworking, resin processing, woodworking, glass working, lens processing and ceramic processing, that are for use in processing optical components
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Remote controls for computer hardware; telecommunication machines and apparatus, namely, radio transmitter, cables for electrical and optical signal transmission, and multiplexers; electronic controllers used to control and operate machines and apparatus for metalworking, resin processing, plastic processing, woodworking, glass working, lens processing or ceramic processing; computer hardware and recorded and downloadable software used to control and operate machines and apparatus for metalworking, resin processing, plastic processing, woodworking, glass working, lens processing or ceramic processing; computer hardware; computer peripherals, namely, computer keyboards, computer mice; programmable logic controllers; electronic machines, apparatus and their parts, namely, electronic circuit boards, electronic substrates, printed circuit boards; amplifiers for use with servo motors; power distribution or control machines and apparatus, namely, electrical power distribution units, electronic controllers for use with power converters; rotary converters; phase modifiers; mask inspection equipment for manufacturing semiconductors; measuring or testing machines and apparatus, coordinate measuring machines, apparatus for measuring the temperature, pressure, position or form of workpieces in a machine tool
Class 037
Construction and Repair Services
Installation, repair and maintenance of injection molding machines for processing plastics, extruders for foamed resin materials, injection molding machines for foamed resin materials, and extruders; installation, repair and maintenance of nanoimprint apparatus for processing synthetic resin that press molds onto UV-curable resin to transfer micro patterns thereto, and thereafter expose said UV-curable resin to UV rays to cure it; installation, repair and maintenance of nanoimprint apparatus for processing synthetic resin that press molds onto thermoplastic resin after it has been heated to a certain temperature and thereafter cools it to a certain temperature to transfer micro patterns thereto; installation, repair and maintenance of nanoimprint apparatus for processing synthetic resin that press molds onto thermosetting resin and heats it to a certain temperature to transfer micro patterns thereto; installation, repair and maintenance of room-temperature nanoimprint apparatus that press molds onto inorganic materials to transfer micro patterns thereto; installation, repair and maintenance of nanoimprint apparatus, plastic processing machines and apparatus, resin processing machines and apparatus, and automatic take-out robots for plastic forming machines; installation, repair and maintenance of die-casting machines, machines for metal casting, lathes [machine tools]. dicing machines, machining centres, boring machines, turning centres, grinding machines, and metalworking machines and apparatus; installation, repair and maintenance of coating machines and apparatus, and painting machines and apparatus; installation, repair and maintenance of rotary printing presses, photogravure printing presses, and printing machines; installation, repair and maintenance of servomotors, starters for motors and engines, AC motors and DC motors (not including those for land vehicles but including parts for any AC motors and DC motors), AC generators, and DC generators; installation, repair and maintenance of electron beam writers for manufacturing semiconductors, epitaxial growth equipment for manufacturing semiconductors, optical component manufacturing machines, semiconductor manufacturing machines and systems, nanoimprint lithography (NIL) equipment for manufacturing semiconductors, and semiconductor manufacturing machines and systems using nanoimprint technology; installation, repair and maintenance of 3D printers; installation, repair and maintenance of machines and apparatus for manufacturing and processing films and sheets made of a material such as metal, textile, glass, plastic, ceramic or paper, and parts and accessories for the aforesaid goods; installation, repair and maintenance of polishing machines and apparatus for precision processing of the surface of glasses, metals, diamonds, plastics and ceramics; installation, repair and maintenance of industrial robots; installation, repair and maintenance of remote controls, and telecommunication machines and apparatus; installation, repair and maintenance of electronic control systems for machines, computer hardware for controlling machines, computer hardware, computer peripherals, programmable logic controllers, and electronic machines and apparatus; installation, repair and maintenance of servo amplifiers, power distribution or control machines and apparatus, rotary converters, and phase modifiers; installation, repair and maintenance of mask inspection equipment for manufacturing semiconductors, and measuring or testing machines and apparatus; installation, repair and maintenance of machines and apparatus for processing textiles, and textile machines and apparatus; installation, repair and maintenance of food or beverage processing machines and apparatus; installation repair and maintenance of woodworking machines and apparatus, and lumbering, woodworking, and veneer or plywood making machines and apparatus; installation, repair and maintenance of glass working machines and apparatus, glassware manufacturing machines, and glass forming machines; installation, repair and maintenance of lens processing machines and apparatus; installation, repair and maintenance of ceramic working machines and apparatus; installation, repair and maintenance of grinding machines for metalworking, resin processing, woodworking, glass working, lens processing and ceramic processing, that are for use in processing optical components
Class 040
Treatment & Processing of Materials Services
Custom assembling of materials for others; treatment of metals and metal materials; treatment of synthetic resins, plastics and plastic materials; treatment of ceramics and ceramic materials; treatment of glasses and glass materials; treatment of semiconductors and semiconductor materials; application of coatings using chemical, mechanical, thermal or thermomechanical processes; coating and surface finishing of machines and tools; custom manufacture of injection molding machines for processing plastics, extruders for foamed resin materials, injection molding machines for foamed resin materials, and extruders; custom manufacture of nanoimprint apparatus for processing synthetic resin that press molds onto UV-curable resin to transfer micro patterns thereto, and thereafter expose said UV-curable resin to UV rays to cure it; custom manufacture of nanoimprint apparatus for processing synthetic resin that press molds onto thermoplastic resin after it has been heated to a certain temperature and thereafter cools it to a certain temperature to transfer micro patterns thereto; custom manufacture of nanoimprint apparatus for processing synthetic resin that press molds onto thermosetting resin and heats it to a certain temperature to transfer micro patterns thereto; custom manufacture of room-temperature nanoimprint apparatus that press molds onto inorganic materials to transfer micro patterns thereto; custom manufacture of nanoimprint apparatus, plastic processing machines and apparatus, resin processing machines and apparatus, and automatic take-out robots for plastic forming machines; custom manufacture of die-casting machines, machines for metal casting, lathes [machine tools], dicing machines, machining centres, boring machines, turning centres, grinding machines, and metalworking machines and apparatus; custom manufacture of coating machines and apparatus, and painting machines and apparatus; custom manufacture of rotary printing presses, photogravure printing presses, and printing machines; custom manufacture of servomotors, starters for motors and engines, AC motors and DC motors (not including those for land vehicles but including parts for any AC motors and DC motors), AC generators, and DC generators; custom manufacture of electron beam writers for manufacturing semiconductors, epitaxial growth equipment for manufacturing semiconductors, optical component manufacturing machines, semiconductor manufacturing machines and systems, nanoimprint lithography (NIL) equipment for manufacturing semiconductors, and semiconductor manufacturing machines and systems using nanoimprint technology; custom manufacture of 3D printers; custom manufacture of machines and apparatus for manufacturing and processing films and sheets made of a material such as metal, textile, glass, plastic, ceramic or paper, and parts and accessories for the aforesaid goods; custom manufacture of polishing machines and apparatus for precision processing of the surface of glasses, metals, diamonds, plastics and ceramics; custom manufacture of industrial robots; custom manufacture of remote controls, and telecommunication machines and apparatus; custom manufacture of electronic control systems for machines, computer hardware for controlling machines, computer hardware, computer peripherals, programmable logic controllers, and electronic machines and apparatus; custom manufacture of servo amplifiers, power distribution or control machines and apparatus, rotary converters, and phase modifiers; custom manufacture of mask inspection equipment for manufacturing semiconductors, and measuring or testing machines and apparatus; custom manufacture of machines and apparatus for processing textiles, and textile machines and apparatus; custom manufacture of food or beverage processing machines and apparatus; custom manufacture of woodworking machines and apparatus, and lumbering, woodworking, or veneer or plywood making machines and apparatus; custom manufacture of glass working machines and apparatus, glassware manufacturing machines, and glass forming machines; custom manufacture of lens processing machines and apparatus; custom manufacture of ceramic working machines and apparatus; custom manufacture of grinding machines for metalworking, resin processing, woodworking, glass working, lens processing or ceramic processing, that are for use in processing optical components.
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Design in the field of mechanical engineering; design of metalworking machines and machine tools; design of machines for use in metalworking, resin processing, plastic processing, woodworking, glass working, lens processing and ceramic processing; designing, other than for advertising purposes, namely, design and testing of new products for others; design, programming, hosting, installation, updating, development, configuration, maintenance and provision of computer software; cloud computing, namely, providing virtual computer systems and virtual computer environments through cloud computing; research and development of new technology in the field of metalworking, resin processing, plastic processing, woodworking, glass working, lens processing or ceramic processing, products and processes in the field of metalworking, resin processing, plastic processing, woodworking, glass working, lens processing and ceramic processing for others
Injection molding machines for processing plastics; extruders for foam...
on 31 Dec 1969
9376-2086 QUEBEC INC.
1976895 · 14 Jun 2019
Class 022
Ropes, Cordage and Fiber Products
Bungee cords; Rubber cable ties and straps for fastening and securing objects; Cargo and carrier equipment for vehicles comprised of synthetic textile materials, excluding artificial leather, namely, tow ropes, tow straps, ratchet tiedown straps, quick release tie down straps, lashing straps, and tarp straps; Nylon towing straps; Slings, not of metal, for handling loads
Bungee cords; Rubber cable ties and straps for fastening and securing ...
on 15 Dec 2020
1965802 · 30 May 2019
Class 001
Chemical Products
Abrasive compositions used in the manufacture of metal polish; acetylene for industrial purposes ; additives for use in the manufacture of cosmetics ; adhesive preparations for surgical bandages ; adhesives for affixing wall tiles ; adhesives for applying wall coverings ; adhesives for cement manufactured products ; adhesives for use in the automotive industry ; adhesives for use in the consumer packaging industry ; alcohol for use in the manufacture of perfumes ; antistatic sprays for electronic equipment ; beer-clarifying and preserving agents ; Chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; Leather tanning agents; sumac for use in tanning adhesives for use in the construction industry, furniture industry, textile industry, consumer packaging industry; bookbinding adhesives ; agricultural chemicals
Class 002
Paint Products
Paints for indoor and outdoor use, varnishes, lacquers, and colorants, all for coating, colouring and finishing wood and wood surfaces; paint thinners ; Paints and coating compositions in the nature of paint for application to vehicles ; Filled ink cartridges for printers, namely nozzle, head, droplet, spray, and piezo ink cartridges
Class 003
Cosmetics and Cleaning Products
Face powder, skin creams, face and body lotion, nail enamel, lipstick, makeup foundation, mascara, eye shadow, bath oil and bath powder ; Hair conditioner; hair shampoo; hair styling gel; hair styling preparations; hair styling spray ; Eye make-up remover; facial cleansers; facial moisturizer with SPF; facial scrubs; non-medicated skin care preparations; skin moisturizer; skin toners ; cosmetic preparations for body care ; Cosmetic items namely nail polish, eye shadows, lip gloss, liquid eyeliners, nail art deco, mascara, eye and lip pencils, lipstick, liquid foundation and powder makeup.
Class 004
Lubricant and Fuel Products
Industrial oils and greases; industrial lubricants; castor oil for industrial purposes; hardened oils for industrial use; industrial lubricants; all-purpose lubricants; dust removing preparations; dust-binding compositions; fuels, namely, alcohol fuel, aviation fuel, bagasse for use as fuel, benzene fuel, benzine fuel, biofuel, butane fuel, charcoal for fuel, coal-based fuels, denaturated fuel alcohols, diesel fuel, ethanol fuels, fuel for domestic heating, fuel for lighters, fuel from crude oil, fuel gas, fuel oil, fuel pellets, lamp fuels, lighting fuel, methanol fuel, methylated spirits for fuel, mineral motor fuel, motor fuel, propane for use as fuel, solidified gas for fuel, wood heating fuel pellets, woodfuel and xylene fuel; candles and wicks for candles for lighting
Class 005
Pharmaceutical Products
Pharmaceutical products, namely analgesics, sedatives, antidepressants, antivirus agents, antibiotics, dermatological preparations namely, medical skin creams, soaps and skin cleansers, antiseptic agents, laxatives, antacids, cardiovascular products, antirheumatics, antiasthmatics-antiallergics ; Pesticides and insecticides ; Agricultural insecticides ; Nutritional and dietary supplements, namely vitamins, minerals, herbs, botanicals, amino acids, fibre preparations in a powder form and/or a combination of vitamins, minerals, herbs, botanicals, amino acids and/or fibre preparations in a powder form, non-alcoholic drink mixes, meal replacement food beverages, wafers, candies, bars and juices
Class 006
Metal Products
Common metals and their alloys; metal ores; metal building materials, namely, soffits, fascia, ceiling boards and floorboards, ductile iron piles, portable metal levees, gabions of steel wire, metal decorative fireplace facings, stair nosing of metal, drywall corner bead of metal, awnings of metal; transportable greenhouses of metal for household use; non-electrical lifting cables; non-electrical wire fencing; small items of metal hardware, namely, metal dust proof strikes, hardware mounting system comprised of metal brackets for bath accessories and sheet metal plates; branching pipes of metal including those from alloy steel and titanium; metal safes
Class 007
Machinery Products
High-speed document printing and collating machines; Vacuum cleaners; Air compressors
Class 008
Hand Tool Products
Shaver's, namely, razors and razor blades; Flatware, namely, forks, knives, and spoons; Multifunction hand-operated tool for preparing and mixing beverages having two or more of a muddler, reamer, serrated knife, channel knife, jigger, zester, bottle opener, corkscrew, strainer, and stirrer.
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Computer hardware; Computer hardware and peripheral devices and software for playback, streaming, transmitting, receiving audio-visual media content via the Internet; Computer software, namely, downloadable computer software for word processing, computer software for document management, for producing financial models, for use in database management; computer software for authorizing access to databases; computer software for creating searchable databases; computer software for use in customer relationship management (CRM); computer software to automate data warehousing; Computer software, namely, communications software for connecting computer network users; computer software for use in providing multiple user access to a global computer information network; e-commerce software to allow users to perform electronic business transactions via a global computer network; computer software for controlling self-service terminals, for administration of computer networks, for administration of computer local area networks, for use in computer access control, for controlling and managing access server applications, for controlling and managing access server applications, for monitoring and controlling communication between computers, to maintain and operate computer system, for providing access to the Internet; Computer software for processing digital images, for processing digital music files, for organizing and viewing digital images and photographs, for creating and editing music and sounds, for creating digital animation and special effects of images, to enhance the audio-visual capabilities of multimedia applications, namely, for the integration of text, audio, graphics, still images and moving pictures; computer games; computer games downloadable from a global computer network; computer games for use on mobile and cellular phones; Computer software, namely, computer software for running development programs and application programs in a common development environment, computer operating software, computer anti-virus software, computer software for the creation of firewalls, computer aided design (CAD) software for general use, computer aided manufacturing (CAM) software for general use; computer peripherals, namely, computer mice and mouse pads, computer stands, computer speakers, computer cables, computer card adapters, computer cases, and computer keyboards, joysticks and keypads; interface cards for data processing equipment in the form of printed circuits; computer networking hardware and data communications equipment, namely, electronic communications systems comprised of computer hardware for the transmission of data between two points, computer network adapters, switches, routers, and hubs; computer memory devices, namely, flash memory cards, flash memory expansion modules, memory boards, random access memory cards and secure digital (SD) memory cards; electronic control apparatus, namely, electronic controllers for computer hardware, electric control panels, and computer terminals; electronic circuits and printed electronic circuits; electric wires for communication equipment; graphite and fuel cell electrodes; telephones; radio, television and satellite aerials; batteries, namely, electric storage batteries, galvanic batteries, general purpose batteries, solar batteries, and batteries for cell phones, watches and cameras; microprocessors; computer keyboards; motion picture films about video recordings featuring music and artistic performances, education, entertainment, fashion, sports and culture
Class 010
Medical Instrument Products
Surgical instruments; veterinary instruments; dental instruments; acupuncture instruments; medical x-ray and ultrasound apparatus; medical instruments for general examination and for cutting tissue; artificial limbs; artificial eyes; orthopedic articles, namely, orthopedic belts, orthopedic braces, orthopedic footwear, orthopedic soles, orthopedic walkers and orthopaedic inner soles incorporating arch supports; suture materials; apparatus for artificial respiration; apparatus for blood analysis, namely, blood drawing apparatus, blood collection tubes, blood filters, blood glucose meters, blood glucose monitors, blood pressure measuring apparatus and blood pressure monitors; blood transfusion apparatus
Class 011
Environmental Control Instrument Products (lighting,heating,cooling,cooking)
Apparatus for sanitary purposes; air filtering units for removing dust, smoke, and allergens from the air; Accent lights for indoor use; chemical fiber drying machines
Class 012
Vehicles and Products for locomotion by land, air or water
Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land; apparatus for locomotion by air; apparatus for locomotion by water; burglar alarms for vehicles; utility vehicles; anti-theft alarms for vehicles; remote control vehicles, other than toys.
Class 013
Firearm Products
Ammunition for firearms; fireworks; firearms; magazines for firearms; automatic firearm ammunition belts; cleaning brushes for firearms; cleaning rods for firearms; covers for firearms
Class 014
Jewelry Products
Bracelets; clocks and watches; jewelry; jewelry boxes; jewelry rings; necklaces; paste jewelry; watch bands; watch boxes; wristwatches
Class 015
Musical Instrument Products
Pianos, electronic musical instruments, castanets, stringed musical instruments, drums [musical instruments], music synthesizers, intensity regulators for mechanical pianos, guitars, percussion instruments, bass guitars, electronic organs, pluck musical instruments, keyboards for musical instruments, horns [musical instruments], piano keyboards, piano strings, piano keys, music rolls [piano], cornets [musical instruments].
Class 016
Paper Goods and Printed Material
Absorbent sheets of paper or plastic for foodstuff packaging; bottle wrappers of cardboard; bottle wrappers of paper; boxes of paper or cardboard; cardboard packaging boxes in collapsible form; coupons; food wrapping plastic film; graphic prints; label printing machines; packaging containers of paper; packaging material made of starches; packing paper; paper bags for packaging; periodical publications; placemats of paper; plastic bags for packaging; plastic film for packaging; postcards and greeting cards; printed advertising boards of cardboard; printed advertising boards of paper; printed material in the nature of color samples; table napkins of paper; wrapping paper
Class 017
Rubber Products
Adhesive tape for industrial and commercial use, namely, shoe tape, HVAC tape, electrical tape, electrical insulation tape, splicing tape, tape used in airframe applications, polyester film tapes for reflective garments; adhesive substances used in industry, namely, a laminate of foil-woven fiberglass film for use in closing joints on ductwork and insulation in buildings
Class 018
Leather Products (not including clothing)
Tote bags; shoulder bags; backpacks; bags for sports; briefcases; suitcases; carry-all bags; trunks; handbags; Boston bags; rucksacks; shopping bags made of canvas; bags for climbers; bags for campers; school bags; schoolchildren's backpacks; travelling bags; bags, namely, purses, messenger bags; card cases; credit card cases; wheeled shopping bags; key cases; drawstring pouches; wallets; commutation-ticket holders; business card cases; pouches; vanity cases [not fitted]; umbrellas and their parts; walking sticks; canes; metal parts of canes and walking-sticks; handles for canes and walking-sticks.
Class 019
Non-Metallic Building Material Products
Glass panes; glass panes for windows and doors; glass glazing; glass panes, glass elements and glazing for facades, balustrades or roofs of buildings; glass panes and glass glazing as protective elements, glass panes, and glass glazing as screening elements, as sun protection elements or as separating elements; glass walls.
Class 020
Furniture Products
Furniture, namely, dining room furniture, computer furniture, school furniture,office furniture, Display stands, Coat hangers, Racks [furniture],namely, coat racks, display racks , hat racks , towel racks , wine racks ,Umbrella stands, Furniture shelves, Shelves for storage, Coatstands, Plate racks, trestle tables
Class 021
Houseware and Glass Products
Disposable dinnerware, namely, cups, plates, bowls, and utensils ; Microfiber products, namely, cleaning, dusting and polishing cloths ; Ironing boards; shaped covers for ironing boards ; Drinking glasses; glass jars; glass lids for industrial packaging containers; wine aerators; drinking flasks; food storage containers; tea caddies; perfume vaporizers; water bottles; cruets.
Class 022
Ropes, Cordage and Fiber Products
Rope, twine, strings, agricultural bale netting, wadding for padding and stuffing, and raw textile fibers.
Class 023
Yarns and Threads
Yarns and threads, for textile use
Class 024
Bath towels, hand towels, face towels, beach towels; Mattress covers, box spring covers, pillow covers, duvet covers, comforter covers
Class 025
Clothing Products
Clothing, namely, shirts, pants, shorts, sweatshirts and hats; Outerwear, namely, jackets and coats.
Class 026
Lace, Ribbons & Embroidery and Fancy Goods
Hair accessories, namely, hair bands and hair ties; Lace; Embroidery; sewing and binding needles; artificial flowers
Class 027
Floor Covering products
Vinyl wall coverings; adhesive wall coverings.
Class 028
Toys and Sporting Goods Products
Bags specially adapted for sports equipment ; gymnastic and sporting articles, namely, athletic supporters, weight lifting belts,springboards, waist trimmer exercise belts, athletic supporters ; Games and playthings namely; puzzles, dart games, dice games,Go board games, horseshoe games, card games, party games, tabletop games, marbles for games,paddle ball games, pinball games, playing cards and card games
Class 029
Meats and Processed Food Products
Meat, fish, poultry; meat extracts; Preserved, frozen, and dried fruits and vegetables; prepared meals primarily consisting of cooked fruits and vegetables; Jellies, jams, compotes; Eggs; Milk and milk products; Edible oils and fats
Class 030
Staple Food Products
Coffee, Cold Coffee, Cold Brewed Coffee, Cold Brewed Concentrate Coffee
Class 031
Natural Agricultural Products
Agricultural products namely, cucumber, tomatoes, pepper, eggplant, fresh vegetables, and fruit.
Class 032
Light Beverage Products
Bottled water; flavored mineral water; flavored waters; mineral water; spring water
Class 033
Wines and Spirits Products
Alcoholic beverages, namely sambuca, vodka
Class 034
Smoker's Products
Tobacco, whether manufactured or unmanufactured; tobacco products; matches and smokers' articles; electronic cigarettes; liquids for electronic cigarettes; cigarette papers; cigarette tubes; cigarette filters; pocket cigarette rolling machines; hand-held machines for injecting tobacco into tubes
Class 035
Advertising, Business & Retail Services
Advertising the goods and services of others; promoting the sale of goods and services of others through promotional contests and distribution of related printed material; business information services, namely providing business information over the Internet in the field of computers, computer hardware and software systems and computer games; conducting online computerized searches for third parties to locate items for sale by others; providing commercial and business contact information, namely, providing an on-line commercial information directory to third parties by way of global computer network; mediation and conclusion of commercial transactions for others; negotiation and conclusion of commercial transactions for third parties; public relations; rental of advertising space; organization of exhibitions for commercial and advertising purposes in the field of computer games; operating an online marketplace for third parties to buy and sell goods and services by way of a computer network; search engine optimisation; auctioneering; marketing research services.
Class 036
Insurance & Financial Services
Insurance services; assessment and management of real estate; mortgage services; providing information in insurance matters; providing insurance information and consultancy
Class 037
Construction and Repair Services
Building construction services; building maintenance and repair; installation, maintenance and repair of computers and computer hardware; office machines and equipment
Class 038
Communications Services
Wireless broadband and narrowband communications services, namely, providing access to the internet; electronic transmission of pictures, photographs, games, music, musical videos, audio clips, video clips, film clips, films, movies, voice clips, podcasts, digital messages, text and graphics via global communication networks; provision of access to video and audio content via video-on-demand services; providing a website featuring information on broadband and narrowband communications services; all the aforementioned services specifically excluding electronic bill payments, electronic funds transfer, electronic processing and transmission of invoicing and bill payment data
Class 039
Transportation & Storage Services
Transportation of passengers and goods by bus, rail, air, and boat; travel guide and travel information services; arranging travel tours; travel and tour information service; travel services, namely, travel guide services, travel ticket reservation services; packing, crating and warehousing services
Class 040
Treatment & Processing of Materials Services
Chemical treatment of textile; printing of books; printing of patterns on textiles; mold and mildew prevention treatment of animal feed, fur, textile, wood, manufacture of jewelry and watches, fuel treatment services; incineration of waste and trash; wastewater treatment services; waste management contracting services
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Educational services, namely, providing live and online courses, seminars and training in the fields of internet marketing, digital marketing and digital publishing; providing online magazines in the fields of internet marketing, digital marketing and digital publishing; online journals, namely, blogs in the fields of internet marketing, digital marketing and digital publishing; digital video, audio, and multimedia publishing services
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Computer software technical support services; technical consultancy relating to the application and use of computer software; technical assessments relating to design; graphic design services; fashion design; creating and maintaining web sites
Class 043
Restaurant and Hotel Services
Restaurant services, fast food delivery services; take-out food services; providing room service; provision of online information relating to hotel reservations; consultancy and advice not business-related in connection with hotel and restaurant services
Class 044
Medical, Beauty & Agricultural Services
Provision of occupational medicine services, and the provision of travel medicine services namely provision of medical assessments, medical preparation, vaccinations, and prescriptions prior to travel, and post-travel medical consultations for tropical diseases; Medical testing for diagnostic, treatment or screening purposes
Class 045
Personal & Legal & Social Services
Legal consultation services; trademark agent services; copyright management; trade-mark monitoring services; legal document preparation services
Abrasive compositions used in the manufacture of metal polish; acetyle...
on 21 Aug 2024
1950554 · 08 Mar 2019
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; CDs and DVDs featuring music, stories, dramatic performances, non-dramatic performances, learning activities for children, and games; downloadable motion pictures and television shows featuring stories, dramatic performances, non-dramatic performances and programming for children; audio books featuring fiction and non-fiction; audio recordings featuring music, stories, dramatic performances, non-dramatic performances, learning activities for children, and games; downloadable ringtones and sound recordings featuring music and other sounds, all for wireless communication devices; audio and visual recordings featuring live-action entertainment, animated entertainment, music, stories, and games; musical recordings; video game software; computer game software; computer software featuring learning activities; encoded electronic chip cards containing musical recordings; computer hardware and peripheral devices; mouse pads; wrist and arm rests for use with computers; calculators; camcorders; cameras; digital cameras; radios; television sets; audio speakers; headphones; earphones; walkie-talkies; telephones; headsets for cellular telephones; adapters for cellular telephones; batteries for cellular telephones; protective sleeves, covers, cases, and straps for cell phones, laptops, tablet computers, digital cameras, digital music players and electronic book readers; protective display screen covers; eyeglasses; sunglasses; eyeglass and sunglass cases; straps for eyeglasses and sunglasses; binoculars; decorative magnets; graduated rulers; microphones; downloadable computer games; interactive video game programs; computer game cartridges and discs; downloadable computer game software for use with mobile telephones, tablets and personal computers; electronic game programs; electronic game software for cellular telephones, tablets and personal computers; electronic game software for handheld electronic devices; stands for handheld digital electronic devices; skateboard and bicycle helmets; downloadable computer software applications; wireless chargers; battery chargers; virtual reality and augmented reality software and hardware
Class 016
Paper Goods and Printed Material
Calendars; greeting cards; posters; stationery; blank journal books; folders; paper; postcards; stickers; bumper stickers; decals; advent calendars; art prints; crayons; markers; pencils; pencil erasers; pencil sharpeners; pen and pencil cases and boxes; chalk; colored pencils; pens, ballpoint pens; gift wrapping paper; gift bags; paper party decorations; printed invitations; trading cards; paper napkins; party bags of paper or plastic; notebooks; notepads; composition books; craft paper; paperweights; paper lunch bags; children's activity books; coloring books; bookmarks; loose leaf binders; diaries; daily planners; scrapbook albums; sticker books; rubber stamps; arts and crafts paint kits; arts and crafts clay kits; arts and crafts paper kits; stencils; plastic shopping bags; flashcards; series of fiction books; novels; children's interactive educational books and magazines; coffee table books; graphic novels; comic books; decals and stickers for use as home décor; postage stamps; temporary tattoo transfers; glitter for stationery purposes
Class 025
Clothing Products
Clothing, footwear, headgear; gloves; scarves; rainwear; swimwear; infantwear; costumes for use in children's dress-up play; costume accessories, including novelty headwear with integrated wigs; Halloween and masquerade costumes; cosplay costumes; glitter for costumes
Class 028
Toys and Sporting Goods Products
Christmas tree decorations; Christmas tree ornaments; party games; board games; card games; action skill games; inflatable toys; jump ropes; balls, namely, balls for sports, play balls, rubber balls, and inflatable balls; target games; dart games; puzzles; action figures; toy figures; bobblehead dolls; spinning tops; amusement game machines; role-playing games; playing cards; plush toys; pinball machines and pinball-type games; costume masks; lottery tickets; toy vehicles; toy construction sets; children's dress-up accessories in the nature of toys; playsets for action figures; plastic toy figurines; toy scale model kits; skateboards; in-line skates; elbow and knee pads; non-motorized toy scooters; roller skates; toy building blocks; memory games; marbles for games; drawing toys; musical toys; sand toys; water toys; sit-in and ride-on toy vehicles; bubble-making wand and solution sets; party favors in the nature of small toys and toy noisemakers; paper party favors; paper party hats; doll houses; dolls and accessories therefor; doll clothing; pet toys; amusement park rides; hand-held units for playing electronic games; kites; yo-yos; toy drones; slot machines; trading card games; trading cards for games; toy candy dispensers; Christmas stockings; snow globes; balloons; exercise equipment, namely, exercise bands, balls, and weights
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Entertainment services in the nature of a dramatic television series; entertainment information; provision of entertainment information via a website; providing online non-downloadable video clips and other multimedia digital content containing audio, video, artwork, and/or text from or related to a dramatic television series; providing online computer, electronic and video games; providing temporary use of non-downloadable interactive games; entertainment services in the nature of conducting exhibitions and conventions concerning television and television characters; amusement park services; fan club services; entertainment services in the nature of a live theatrical, musical or comedic performance; educational and entertainment services, namely, providing interactive online television series
Apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or imag...
on 07 Dec 2021
1910859 · 23 Jul 2018
Class 041
Education and Entertainment Services
Creating, arranging, and facilitating professional workshops and training courses to individuals and businesses. Format is synchronous/live (online and in person) and asynchronous (recorded videos hosted on my website).
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Creating, arranging, and facilitating professional workshops and train...
on 12 Jun 2020
1909613 · 16 Jul 2018
Class 034
Smoker's Products
Dried cannabis in bulk or individually packaged format for wholesale or retail sale; pre-rolled cannabis cigarettes and joints
Dried cannabis in bulk or individually packaged format for wholesale o...
on 23 Feb 2021
1903503 · 08 Jun 2018
Class 009
Computer & Software Products & Electrical & Scientific Products
Computer software and mobile application, namely an interactive brand analysis, brand management, brand reputation, product ranking, consumer feedback and product savings software platform that analyzes and provides market research and evaluation of third party products and brands to consumers, and provides access to third party product samples, coupons for third party products, and savings on third party products to consumers.
Class 042
Computer & Software Services & Scientific Services
Software as a service (SAAS) featuring computer software, namely an interactive brand analysis, brand management, brand reputation, product ranking, consumer feedback and product savings software platform that analyzes and provides market research and evaluation of third party products and brands to consumers, and provides access to third party product samples, coupons for third party products, and savings on third party products to consumers; Platform as a service (PAAS) featuring computer software, namely an interactive brand analysis, brand management, brand reputation, product ranking, consumer feedback and product savings software platform that analyzes and provides market research and evaluation of third party products and brands to consumers, and provides access to third party product samples, coupons for third party products, and savings on third party products to consumers.
Computer software and mobile application, namely an interactive brand ...
on 29 Dec 2020
1902803 · 05 Jun 2018
Class 039
Transportation & Storage Services
Shoppaphone is a professional shopping and delivery service. Orders are taken based on customer requests, drivers go from store to store shopping on behalf of the customer and deliver to the specified address.
Shoppaphone is a professional shopping and delivery service. Orders ar...
Shiseido company limited (4)
Eli lilly and company (3)
L'oreal société anonyme (2)
Maurice acquisition spe llc (2)
Shaw cablesystems g.P. (2)
Shell brands international ag (2)
Shipstone corporation (2)
Swimc llc (2)
Sharkninja operating llc (2)
Trouw nutrition canada inc. (2)
0933959 b.C. ltd. dba gateway concepts (1)
1364322 ontario inc (trading as shoebox-be-gone bookkeeping solutions) (1)
911979 alberta ltd. (1)
9376-2086 quebec inc. (1)
Accessline technologies inc. (1)
Alan baird dba show carshine refinishing (1)
Alderline gmbh (1)
Alticor inc. (1)
Arterra wines canada inc. (1)
Arthur zins (1)
Asahi kasei kogyo kabushiki kaisha (1)
Atomic slipper co. ltd. (1)
Auctane llc (1)
Avon na ip llc (1)
Araam inc. (1)
Aurea technologies inc. (1)
Bailey metal products limited (1)
Bar's products inc. (a michigan corporation) (1)
Barend van heerden (1)
Big earth brands ltd. (1)
Big star holding ag (1)
Bless + glory inc./benir + gloire inc (1)
Blindfold corporation (1)
Bonetti freres une societe anonyme et productions claude carrere une societe anonyme faisant ensemble le commerce sous la denomination sheila-dermine zone industrielle (bois l'abesse) (1)
Boxiki solutions inc. (1)
Brandspark international inc. (1)
Cameo s.P.A. (1)
Canada packers inc. (1)
Canhost inc. (1)
Car source toronto limited (1)
Carter-wallace inc. (1)
China sharing alliance group limited (1)
China songshan shaolin temple (1)
Christina mackey (1)
Ck witco corporation (a delaware corporation) (1)
Clow corporation (a delaware corporation) (1)
Colorful products corp. (1)
Converse inc. a delaware corporation (1)
Corus radio inc. (1)
Daniel o. reich incorporated d/b/a reich paper (1)
Diversi-plast products inc. a legal entity (1)
Dole asia holdings pte. ltd. (1)
Dwayne pitt (1)
El paso trading corp. (1)
Elgrande.Com inc. (1)
Empire glass ltd. (1)
Eversonic inc. (1)
F. w. woolworth co. limited (1)
F.W. woolworth co. limited (1)
Fmc corporation (1)
Fossil group inc. (1)
Franchise and license (canadian) ops limited partnership (1)
Fujian quanzhou runfan import and export trade co. ltd. (1)
Gabriel elbaz (1)
Gc corporation (1)
General motors llc (1)
General shale brick inc. (1)
Getinge/ castle inc. (1)
Goldcorp inc. (1)
Henkel kommanditgesellschaft auf aktien (henkel kgaa) (1)
Illinois tool works inc. (a delaware corporation) (1)
Imperial pipe corporation (1)
Information resources inc. (1)
Jeff fairbank and neil bell trading as fairbank bell music publishing co. (1)
John paul mitchell systems (1)
Jonathan logan inc. (1)
Kao kabushiki kaisha also trading as kao corporation (1)
Kevin chadwick (1)
Kraft inc. (1)
Kye pharmaceuticals inc. (1)
L.R. mcrae fisheries ltd. (1)
Lapointe justin (1)
Leigh bardugo (1)
Louis rousseau (1)
Maax spas industries corp. (1)
Magid corporation (1)
Maher inc. (1)
Maple leaf foods inc./les aliments maple leaf inc. (1)
Michael harrison (1)
Michlein youssef (1)
Miller brewing company (a wisconsin corporation) (1)
Milwaukee electric tool corporation (1)
Mitel networks inc. (1)
Motionsafe inc. (1)
Mr. jay cichocki (1)
Mülhens gmbh & co. kg (also known as muelhens gmbh & co. kg) a german kommanditgesellschaft (1)
Newtonbrook block and supply company limited (1)
Nod inc. (1)
Oneida ltd. (1)
Oscar de vries (1)
Ottawa bluesfest (1)
Patrick w. begoray (1)
Pencer knitting mills ltd (1)
Philips lighting holding b.V. (1)
Ppg industries ohio inc. a delaware corporation (1)
Real estate action line inc. (1)
Remy james dakin (1)
Rowe furniture corporation (1)
Salford group inc. (1)
Seachange marine conservation society (1)
Sega corporation (1)
Seniors services society of bc (1)
Shack shine home services inc (1)
Shadesign gmbh + co kg (1)
Shake technologies limited (1)
Shane k. sheehan trading as shane manufacturing (1)
Shanscott ontario ltd. (1)
Sharingforce inc. (1)
Sharon vonne stone (1)
Sharpline converting inc. (1)
Shearwater research inc. (1)
Shelbourne reynolds engineering limited (1)
Sheshine cosmetics co. limited (1)
Shibaura machine co. ltd. (1)
Shifted academy inc. (1)
Shin-etsu chemical co. ltd. (1)
Shine + glory inc./benir + gloire inc. (1)
Shockwave.Com inc. (1)
Shop canada inc. (1)
Shopline technology holdings pte. ltd. (1)
Shoppaphone (1)
Shopsy's foods limited (1)
Showa denko kabushiki kaisha also trading as showa denko k.K. a legal entity (1)
Showline distributing inc. (1)
Signify holding b.V. (1)
Soft sheen/carson inc. (1)
Sonova ag (1)
Span-america medical systems lnc. (1)
Speedo holdings bv (1)
Sportsman's recipes inc. a minnesota corporation (1)
Stack brewing corp. (1)
T.C.Bizz.Com corp d/b/a/ stag shop (1)
Tama group (1)
Texman i/s a corporation constituted pursuant to the laws of denmark (1)
The flecto company inc. (a california corporation) (1)
The goodyear tire & rubber company (an ohio corporation) (1)
The myriad view artisan distillery inc. (1)
The procter & gamble company (an ohio corporation) (1)
The sherwin-williams company of canada limited (1)
The sherwood co-operative association limited (1)
The shipowners protection limited (1)
Thyssen-bornemisza inc. (1)
Toby petit (1)
Totes isotoner corporation (an ohio corporation) (1)
Trevon luther downie daley (1)
Tropicana products inc. (1)
Unilever canada inc. (1)
Unisync group limited (1)
Viacom international inc. (1)
Vivo cannabis inc. (1)
Wargaming.Net limited (1)
Warnaco u.S. inc. (1)
Wella operations us llc (1)
Wilson sporting goods co. (1)
Yaletown mini storage ltd. (1)
Class 3 (30)
Class 9 (30)
Class 35 (25)
Class 25 (22)
Class 41 (21)
Class 42 (21)
Class 16 (15)
Class 5 (14)
Class 7 (14)
Class 11 (12)
Class 28 (10)
Class 37 (10)
Class 1 (9)
Class 10 (9)
Class 18 (8)
Class 30 (8)
Class 32 (8)
Class 38 (8)
Class 2 (7)
Class 19 (7)
Class 8 (6)
Class 12 (6)
Class 21 (6)
Class 22 (6)
Class 29 (6)
Class 39 (6)
Class 40 (6)
Class 6 (5)
Class 24 (5)
Class 31 (5)
Class 36 (5)
Class 44 (5)
Class 4 (4)
Class 14 (4)
Class 17 (4)
Class 34 (4)
Class 33 (3)
Class 43 (3)
Class 45 (3)
Class 20 (2)
Class 23 (2)
Class 26 (2)
Class 13 (1)
Class 15 (1)
Class 27 (1)
Smart & biggar lp (19)
Osler, hoskin & harcourt llp (9)
Gowling wlg (canada) llp (7)
Robic agence pi s.E.C./ robic ip agency lp (5)
Borden ladner gervais llp (4)
Jennifer mckay (4)
Marks & clerk (4)
Baker & mckenzie llp (3)
Nelligan o'brien payne llp (3)
Riches, mckenzie & herbert llp (3)
Fasken martineau dumoulin llp (2)
Goodmans llp (2)
Macrae & co. (2)
Mbm intellectual property agency (2)
Miller thomson llp (2)
Oyen wiggs green & mutala llp (2)
Aird & berlis llp (1)
Aiyaz a. alibhai (1)
Bennett jones llp (1)
Brunet & co. (1)
Cabinet juridique st. lawrence s.E.N.C.R.L. (1)
Carmina calderon (1)
Clark wilson llp (1)
Coastal trademark services limited (1)
Deeth williams wall llp (1)
Dentons canada llp (1)
Donna l. macewen (mcinnes cooper) (1)
Duncan craig llp (1)
Eva derhy (1)
Fay o'brien (1)
Heather l. boyd (1)
Heer law (1)
John h. simpson (1)
Jordan e. duplessis (1)
Kirby eades gale baker (1)
Lawgic ip (1)
Lawson lundell llp (1)
Macbeth law (1)
Mark w. timmis (1)
Mcmillan llp (1)
Neomark ltd. (1)
Nexus law group llp (1)
Norton rose fulbright canada llp/s.E.N.C.R.L.,s.R.L. (1)
Perley-robertson, hill & mcdougall llp (1)
Spiegel sohmer inc. (1)
Therrien couture joli-coeur s.E.N.C.R.L. (1)
Vincent k. s. yip (1)
Wilson lue llp (1)
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