1963770 17 May 2019 | on 15 Oct 2024 | Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Reagents for scientific and medical research use for use in the fields of biology, chemistry, medicine, biochemistry, pharmaceuticals, veterinary medicine, zoology, biomedicine, stem cells, genetics, antibodies, forensics, biotechnology, clinical trials, and gene therapy; Reagent kits for scientific and medical research use comprising labeled antibodies, namely, biological reagents used to detect and measure biological analytes for use in the fields of biological and diagnostic testing Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Diagnostic reagents for diagnostic medical and veterinary use; Reagent kits for diagnostic medical and veterinary purposes comprising labeled antibodies, namely, biological reagents used to detect and measure biological analytes for use in the fields of biological and diagnostic testing | | | TURBO BOOST L'OREAL
1194281 20 Oct 2003 | on 28 Apr 2005 | Class 003 Class 003 Cosmetics and Cleaning Products Produits cosmétiques, nommément: crèmes, laits, lotions, gels et poudres pour le visage, le corps et les mains; laits, gels et huiles de bronzage et après soleil; produits de maquillage, nommément: brillants et rouges à lèvres, ombre à paupières, crayons, mascaras, eyeliner, vernis à ongles, fonds de teint, fards à joues. | | | TURBO BOOST ECOLAB INC.
790881 24 Aug 1995 | on 24 Mar 1999 | Class 003 Class 003 Cosmetics and Cleaning Products Laundry detergents for commercial and institutional use. | |