2353595 31 Jul 2024 | on 02 Oct 2024 | Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Chemicals and chemical preparations for use in the protection of heating systems and central heating systems; chemicals, chemical preparations and chemical additives for noise silencing, noise reduction or noise inhibition; chemicals, chemical preparations and chemical additives for noise silencing, noise reduction or noise inhibition for use in heating systems, central heating systems, boilers, heaters, radiators, pumps and pipes; chemical compositions for use in controlling and removing scale from heating systems and central heating boilers; chemical additives for use in heating systems and central heating boilers to inhibit corrosion; chemicals and chemical preparations for use in sanitizing, cleaning, flushing, sediment control, sediment removal, scale control, scale removal, deposit control and deposit removal in heating systems, central heating systems, cooling systems, boilers, heaters, radiators, pumps and pipes; additives (chemical) for the prevention of sedimentation in heating systems and central heating systems; scale inhibiting and removing preparations for use in heating systems and central heating systems; chemical compositions for use in controlling and removing scale, magnetite and debris from heating systems, central heating systems, boilers, heaters, radiators, pumps and pipes; chemical compositions for use in cleaning heating systems, central heating systems, boilers, heaters, radiators, pumps and pipes. | |