2060352 28 Oct 2020 | on 18 Sep 2024 | Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Chemical preparations, namely, chemical reagents and diagnostic preparations for scientific or research use Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Chemical preparations, namely, chemical reagents and diagnostic preparations for clinical, medical, or veterinary purposes | | | COAMATIC INSTRUMENTATION LABORATORY S.P.A.
742420 30 Nov 1993 | on 31 Dec 1969 | Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Chemical preparations for scientific purposes, namely: chemical substrates, chromogenic substrates, chemical reagents; diagnostics for scientific and clinical purposes, namely: a chromogenic test for the specific determination of the heparin cofactor activity of Antithrombin III in plasma, a chromogenic test for the specific determination of the heparin cofactor activity of Antithrombin III in undiluted plasma, a chromogenic test for the specific determination of plasminogen activity in human plasma, a chromogenic test for the specific determination of Protein C activity in human plasma after activation by snake venom. | |