512627 22 Nov 1983 | on 17 Jun 1985 | Class 031 Class 031 Natural Agricultural Products Rose plant. | | | "TRI-A-NOL" COLLOIDS CANADA INC.
503089 31 Dec 1969 | on 31 Dec 1969 | Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Preparations for the treatment of fibers and fabrics for the market specifically scouring and wetting agents. | | | "TOTAL" TOTAL
223345 17 Dec 1953 | on 17 Aug 1999 | Class 004 Class 004 Lubricant and Fuel Products Pétrole brut, gaz pétroliers. | | | "THIOSULFIL" AYERST MCKENNA & HARRISON INC.
210310 08 Feb 1951 | on 28 Nov 1996 | Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Pharmaceutical preparations. | | | "TOPANOL" AZELIS UK LIMITED
210247 02 Feb 1951 | on 02 Feb 1951 | Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Chemical substances sold to the oil industry for use as additions to petroleum derivatives such as lubricants and motor spirits. | | | "TARTISOL" RORER INTERNATIONAL (OVERSEAS) INC.
208984 06 Oct 1950 | on 25 Nov 1996 | Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products A pharmaceutical preparation and surgical medicament for therapy and hygiene of the oral cavity; fungistatic antiseptic for general surgery. | | | "TRAVENOL" BAXTER INTERNATIONAL INC.
207955 04 Jul 1950 | on 31 Dec 1969 | Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Class 010 Medical Instrument Products
Class 011 Environmental Control Instrument Products (lighting,heating,cooling,cooking)
Class 029 Meats and Processed Food Products
Class 030 Staple Food Products Fluids for parenteral use comprising water for injection; dextrose in water; dextrose and sodium chloride in water; sodium chloride in water; dextrose and vitamins in water; dextrose, sodium chloride, and vitamins in water; dextroms , alcohol, sodium chloride and vitamins in water; dextrose, alcohol, and vitamins in water; sodium chloride, potassium chloride, and calcium chloride in water; dextrose, sodium chloride, potassium choride, and calcuim chloride in water; sodium R-lactate in water; sodium R-lactate, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, and calcium chloride in water; sodium R-lactate, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, calcium chloride, and dextrose in water;dextrose, alcohol, and sodium chloride in water; dextrose and alcohol in water, hydrolyzed protein in water; dextrose and protein hydrolysate in water; alcohol, dextrose, and protein hydrolysate in water; acacia and sodium chloride in water; invert sugar in water, histamine diphosphate and potassium chloride in water; histamine diposphate and sodium chloride in water; sodium sulfate in water; medical preparations for topical application comprising pectin jelly; and laboratory reagents comprising: copper sulfate in water; and nasal catheters, stomach tubes, rectal tubes, rubber tubing for surgical use, tubes equipped with needles and needle adapters for the administration of parenteral fluids, air filters for filtering air entering dispensing containers of parenteral solutions, needle adapters, drip housings, and dispensing containers of parenteral fluids for hospital use. | | | "THENFADIL" STERLING WINTHROP INC.
207724 15 Jun 1950 | on 12 Apr 1996 | Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Antihistaminic preparation for the treatment of hayfever, urticaria, atopic eczema and other allergic condition. | | | "TENACELL" AVENOR INC.
207173 03 May 1950 | on 29 Mar 1996 | Class 001 Class 001 Chemical Products Wood pulp. | | | "TAL" J.L. EMILE BLAIS
203208 19 May 1949 | on 20 Jan 1995 | Class 003 Class 003 Cosmetics and Cleaning Products Class 005 Class 005 Pharmaceutical Products Class 026 Lace, Ribbons & Embroidery and Fancy Goods
Class 029 Meats and Processed Food Products
Class 030 Staple Food Products
Class 031 Natural Agricultural Products Noix: en écale, écalés, glacés, salés:-Amandes, anacardes, arachides, avelines châtaignes, faines, glands, grenobles, marrons, noisettes, noix, noix de Brésil, noix de coco, pécan, pistaches. Fruits: frais, déshydratés, secs, confits, en conserve:- Abricots, ananas, anones, apis, aubergines, avocats, bananes, bergamottes, bigarades, bleuets, cantaloups, cassis, cedrats, cerises, chasselas citrons, coings, dattes, fraises, framboises, figues, grenades, grenadille, groseilles, kakis, limons, mandarines, mango, melons, melons d' eau, mûres, nèfles, (nectarines) oranges, pamplemousses, papayes, pêches, poires, pommes, prunes, quetsches, raisin, tomates, (ugly fruit). Légumes: frais, déshydratés, en conserve:- Ail, asperges, artichauts, betteraves, cardon, carottes, céleri, cerfeuil, champignons, chervis, chicorés, choux, choux de Bruxelles, choux -fleurs, choux-raves, ciboule, citrouille, concombres, cornichons, courges, courges à la moelle, crambés, cresson, crosnes, échalotes, endives, épinards, fèves, giraumons, gourganes, haricots, ignames, laitue, lentilles, mâche, mais sur épi, menthe,navets, oignons, oseille, panais, patates, pâtissons, persil, piments, pissenlits, poiré, poireaux, pois, pommes de terre, potirons, pourpiers, radis, raiforts, rhubarbe, romaine, salsifis, topinambours. | |