The mark consists of Black #000000 background with UV letters combined to make a symbol at the top center with the colors blended HEX #1C166D and #AC38F3. Under the symbol the words spelt out UV LIT using blended colors HEX #1C166D and #AC38F3. Under those words the word OPTICAL in HEX #F4F4F9. There is a boarder around the square with the blended colors HEX #1C166D and #AC38F3.
The mark consists of Black #000000 background with UV letters combined to make a symbol at the top center with the colors blended HEX #1C166D and #AC38F3. Under the symbol the words spelt out UV LIT using blended colors HEX #1C166D and #AC38F3. Under those words the word OPTICAL in HEX #F4F4F9. There is a boarder around the square with the blended colors HEX #1C166D and #AC38F3.
The mark consists of Black #000000 background with UV letters combined...