The color(s) The mark consists of the wording R TECH SERVICES. The R is white inside a black hexagon. To the right of the hexagon is an arrow made up of black and blue triangles, a white arrow and a black arrow. To the right of the arrow design are the words TECH SERVICES. The word TECH is in black and the word SERVICES is in blue. is/are claimed as a feature of the mark.
The color(s) The mark consists of the wording R TECH SERVICES. The R is white inside a black hexagon. To the right of the hexagon is an arrow made up of black and blue triangles, a white arrow and a black arrow. To the right of the arrow design are the words TECH SERVICES. The word TECH is in black and the word SERVICES is in blue. is/are claimed as a feature of the mark.
The color(s) The mark consists of the wording R TECH SERVICES. The R i...