| B·E·N·E·D·I·C·T·I·N·E H·E·R·I·T·A·G·E Benedictine Heritage Limited
77002401 19 Sep 2006 | on 08 Dec 2008 | Personal care preparations and cosmetics, namely skin moisturizers, ex... Class 003 Class 003 Cosmetics and Cleaning Products The mark is a circular crest. The color blue appears in a circular field and creates a cross dividing the interior of the mark into four equal segments. The four interior segments of the mark comprise the colors purple, red, and orange. The letters "BENEDICTINE HERITAGE" appear in gold as do the spacers between each letter. The color red appears in the boarder of the circular blue field. The color purple appears in the diamond shapes between the wording. The color silver appears in the borders of the diamond shapes. | | | BENEDICTINE HERITAGE Benedictine Heritage Limited
75496812 05 Jun 1998 | on 27 Oct 2007 | CARPETS,CARPETS Class 027 Class 027 Floor Covering products CARPETS | | | B E N E D I C T I N E H E R I T A G E Benedictine Heritage Limited
75342574 18 Aug 1997 | on 14 Oct 2001 | wool, linen, silk, synthetic and fire-resistant fabrics; decorative fa... Class 024 The drawing is lined for the colors silver, gold, blue and red. | |